• I’m not sure if this is a wordpress issue or a php issue.

    When I look at the contents of my rss feed, any items with an apostrophe are not the regular one (‘), instead its some slightly slanted looking thing.

    Anywho, on the homepage of my website, using Pears XML_RSS class, I’m displaying the items from the feed. Whats happening is, any apostrophes are showing up as question marks (?) when displayed on the webpage.

    I tried using htmlentities but that did nothing. It appears that the goof up is occurring when the class is parsing the feed.

    So, is there a way to make wordpress use the regular apostrophes instead of that fancy looking things? Anyone know of a better class to use for parsing xml feeds, which wouldn’t have the problem stated above?


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  • Moderator James Huff


    Without a link to your blog, none of us can tell you exactly what’s going on. But, I can tell you that it’s probably default behavior. And, if it’s default behavior, then it does validate. And, if it does validate, then it should cause no problems. And, if the developers made it into default behavior, then they probably had a good reason to do so. So, if it isn’t broken, don’t fix it.

    Of course, if it’s a slash (/) that you’re talking about, then that’s not default behavior. It either means that your MySQL version is to low, or that you’ve modified some files that you shouldn’t have. If that’s the case, delete and re-upload all WordPress files (except those in /wp-content/).

    Thread Starter jbjaaz



    The feed does validate, so I guess its gotta be a php issue.

    Moderator James Huff


    Actually, I just looked at both https://communitydevelopmentsc.org/news/feed/ and https://feeds.feedburner.com/scacdcNewsUpdates and I can’t see what you’re talking about. So, it looks like default behavior to me. I’m going to suggest that it’s a font issue on your end. Whatever font your feedreader is using must have apostrophes displayed at a slightly slanted angle (which is not uncommon).

    Also, if you want to convert all of your feed readers over to feedburner, see this: https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Using_FeedBurner

    Also, you should upgrade to WP v1.5.1.2 ASAP. Just follow the instruction here (they apply for v1.5.1 to v1.5.1.2 as well): https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/33189#post-187724

    Thread Starter jbjaaz


    If you look on the homepage of the website… under “news & updates”, the last item, has the question mark where it should be an apostrophe.

    I am using htmlspecialchars, so its something else.

    Thread Starter jbjaaz


    oh thanks for the feedburner article and upgrade link. I’ll get to those in due time.

    What are you using to post the feed to that page? The feed itself is fine, so it’s most likely a problem with whatever you’re using to put the feed on the main page.

    Thread Starter jbjaaz


    I’m using php and a Pear class, class XML_RSS.

    Might have something to do with this issue with the Pear class:


    Some version apparently can’t handle any characters outside the iso8859-1 character set and from what I see here – https://www.ramsch.org/martin/uni/fmi-hp/iso8859-1.html – that would include apostrophes/single quotes.

    Otherwise might be something similar.

    Thread Starter jbjaaz


    Thanks for helping me out.

    I discovered a solution, but I’m still at a lose for what the real problem is. Anyway, it seems like php is not detecting the character set of the feed properly. If I manually set the encoding type to ‘utf-8’ the apostrophes look as they should.


    This seems t be a problem with texturize? if you comment out all the entries in wp-includes\default-filters.php that conatin references to texturize the problem goes away.

    At least it did for me.

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