I don’t remember the settings: the plugin was removed after the issue. (I’m sorry, the site is still a dev site and I realize I don’t need it.) maybe the strip shortcode option was checked.
error 500 happened when search results should be populated, and not where there weren’t any results.
relevanssi searches on some extra custom fields by ACF and the yoast’s ones.
relevanssi index status is
35 documents in the index.
1035 terms in the index.
I activted the excerpt for page post type via theme’s functions.php with
add_post_type_support( 'page', 'excerpt' );
Active plugins:
ACF Content Analysis for Yoast SEO 2.1.0
Add From Server 3.3.3
Admin Post Navigation 2.1
Advanced Custom Fields 4.4.12
Akismet Anti-Spam 4.0.8
Animated Headline 4.0
Astra Hooks 1.0.1
Astra Theme Visual Hooks 1.1.0
Better Font Awesome 1.7.1
Breadcrumb NavXT 6.1.0
CF7 Icons and Labels 1.3
Contact Form 7 Widget For Elementor Page Builder 1.0.6
Classic Editor 0.4
Contact Form 7 Shortcode Enabler 1.1
Contact Form 7 5.0.3
Duplicate Menu 0.2.1
Duplicate Post 3.2.2
8Degree Circular Menu - Responsive Circular Menu Plugin for WordPress 1.0.9
Elementor 2.1.7
Equal Height Columns 1.1.0
Essential Addons for Elementor 2.7.6
Flamingo 1.9
Flexible Elementor Panel 1.7.0
Font Awesome 4 Menus 4.7.0
Google Analytics for WordPress by MonsterInsights 7.1.0
Head & Footer Code 1.0.7
If Menu - Visibility control for menu items 0.11
iubenda Cookie Solution for GDPR 1.15.1
Jetpack by WordPress.com 6.4.2
Collapse-O-Matic 1.7.9
Custom Login Page Customizer 2.0.0
Menu Image 2.9.1
PopBox For Elementor 1.0.7
myStickymenu 2.0.5
Premium Addons for Elementor 2.5.7
YoastSEO Quick Edit 1.0.0
Really Simple SSL 3.0.5
Redirection 3.4
Relevanssi 4.0.11
Social Pug 1.4.8
Void Elementor Post Grid Addon for Elementor Page builder 1.0.9
Widget CSS Classes
Yoast SEO 8.0
WP Cerber Security, Antispam & Malware Scan 7.2
WP-DBManager 2.79.1
WP Google Maps 7.10.27
Opening Hours 2.1.3
WP-Optimize 2.2.4
maybe I’ll reinstall it later just to reproduce the situation.