• I had to create a new account here to post about a different issue I have, because wordpress won’t recognize any of my old logins. However, I got this scary-ass avatar and – don’t judge me – it’s freaking me out and I want to change it.

    To do that, WordPress sends me to Gravatar, which asks me to log in with my WordPress info. When I try to do that, using this account I’m posting from right, Gravatar tells me it doesn’t freaking exist. I can’t log in. Not happening. It does however remember an old account I had ages ago. With my old WordPress info I can log into that account on Gravatar, and it shows an old picture of me.

    GREAT, I say and try to use that account here on WordPress. Not happening. It’s telling me there’s no user with that info.

    What the flippin’ flip is going on?? I’m so frustrated, it’s driving me nuts.

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  • Your WordPress website is likely a self-hosted www.ads-software.com account, and the Gravatar website is connected to WordPress.com accounts (which is the hosted solution by Automattic).

    Therefore, you’ll need to register a new Gravatar (or WordPress.com account) with your email, and set your gravatar image. Few minutes later your account would display the right image.

    Thread Starter sushic0re


    No the thing is that to be able to post here in the support forum wordpress had me create THIS account I’m posting from right now, which is also the account I cannot access from Gravatar.

    No the thing is that to be able to post here in the support forum wordpress had me create THIS account I’m posting from right now,

    I don’t think they are the same.

    which is also the account I cannot access from Gravatar.

    Unless you used the exact same username, password, and email address when you created your Gravatar account , they are totally unrelated.

    Your Gravatar username and login is not automatically the same as the username and login you use to post here. They are not automatically connected.

    Signing up for Gravatar with WordPress.com

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