• The Blocksy Companion Plugin contains what appears to be a concealed and unreported bloatware program, for lack of a better term, to some other sales site:

    — freeminus-pricing
    — freeminus

    For this reason, the contents of the plugin are highly suspect and are thereby deemed untrustworthy.

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  • Plugin Author creativethemeshq


    Hello @doc-savage,
    Sorry but you are not right here at all.

    Freemius is our licensing and payment processor, like I already explained in the previous thread it is used to diversify the free version of our product from the pro version.

    By using the freemius pricing page you can upgrade to the pro version of our product. That’s all ??

    Regarding the bloat – that’s not true also, all it’s assets are loaded only in the backend and are served only when you access a certain theme dashboard page.

    Thread Starter Doc Savage


    I find a third party system highly suspect, something I’ve not noticed in other plugins.

    If it is what you say it is, why does it not go to Creative Themes rather than a spammy, third party marketing site?

    Furthermore, the freeminus folders cannot be removed from the plugin without breaking the site.

    I wouldn’t be surprised if some nefarious tracking system is build in to track plugin users and their usage for some ulterior motive.

    I like Blocksy, Creative Themes have done an admirable job, however the freeminus must go as its purposes are not disclosed, nor are the plugin’s full intentions disclosed to users.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by Doc Savage.
    Plugin Author creativethemeshq


    Hi @doc-savage,

    1. This third party system/framework is used in our plugin in order to bring the licensing functionality and the pro features to all our pro users.

    It’s not only Blocksy Companion that uses this framework, it is used by a lot of big WordPress companies and developers like OceanWP, Iconic, Stackable, Events Calendar and so on, more info could be found here – https://freemius.com/customers/

    2. About what spammy, third party marketing site are you exactly referring?
    Do you have any specific banners that appears in your dashboard that promotes spammy content? If so could you please show us a screenshot so we could take a look and see if this is coming from our side or not.

    3. You don’t have to remove that folder, that folder contains the framework files that are used to bridge the free version of the product with the pro version and ensure that the transition is smooth between the two.

    4. Everything is as clear and transparent as possible, you can find all the info on their website – https://freemius.com/
    Freemius works the same way like WooCommerce or Easy Digital Downloads plugins but it has more features and is focused on developers needs like us or other WordPress developers.
    This framework is GDPR approved and was built with respecting user privacy in mind.

    And by the way, if you are not sure in something, maybe it would be better to inform yourself a little bit or ask us before making some wrong statements…

    Let us know in case you will have any other questions.

    Have a nice day!

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