• Resolved Mr Lucky


    I am getting a message:

    Apple Pay domain verification failed. Please check the log to see the issue. (Logging must be enabled to see recorded logs)

    My payment gateways are just Stripe and Paypal

    Do I need to configure anything at my Stripe or Paypal account?


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  • Joel Williams


    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    Hi there!

    Are you still having this issue? I’ve just tested and checking/unchecking that option doesn’t add/remove the apple verification file on my test site. So I’m not sure what is happening there.

    Pending means it’s not getting confirmation of payment It then reaches the time limit for the payment and is canceled.

    Something is blocking Stripe notifying your site of successful payment. The Stripe log should always have something in it, it’s not just an error log, it’s a debug log so should show the process of the payment. If nothing’s in it, then nothing is happening.

    Thread Starter Mr Lucky


    Something is blocking Stripe notifying your site of successful payment.

    No, Normal Stripe card payments still work fine (on all three of my sites) and I get notification of processing orders after successful payment It’s just the Apple Pay payements were not successful in that no monoey was taken from the card associated with Apple pay in Wallet.

    Are you still having this issue?

    No, because obviously until Woocommerce fix this I am unable to use Apple Pay, so I have de-activated the Payement Request Payment button.



    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    Hi @voodoochill

    The file in .well-known will come back as it is added by the Stripe extension for verification to help you out.

    If orders are going to pending this means you haven’t added the webhook to your account.

    Can you confirm you have done every step here, please?

    1. You have an SSL certificate on your whole site
    2. Added the webhook https://YOURDOMAIN.COM/?wc-api=wc_stripe to the https://dashboard.stripe.com/account/webhooks page
    3. Added the bare domain i.e. YOURDOMAIN.COM to https://dashboard.stripe.com/account/apple_pay (no need to download the .well-known file
    4. You have saved the settings on your Stripe settings on your WooCommerce site

    If you have done all of this, the payment should be successful.

    If you’re still having problems, please do reach out to us via WooCommerce.com, I’d love to help get this sorted.




    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    Hi @voodoochill

    Did you get this fixed up? We haven’t heard back from you in a while, so I hope this has been resolved.

    I’m going to mark this as resolved – if you have any further questions, please reach out on WooCommerce.com or post directly on the Stripe extension forum – https://www.ads-software.com/support/plugin/woocommerce-gateway-stripe


    Thread Starter Mr Lucky


    No, I just disabled the Apple payment request button as it didn’t work

    Can you confirm you have done every step here, please?

    1. You have an SSL certificate on your whole site
    2. Added the webhook https://YOURDOMAIN.COM/?wc-api=wc_stripe to the https://dashboard.stripe.com/account/webhooks page
    3. Added the bare domain i.e. YOURDOMAIN.COM to https://dashboard.stripe.com/account/apple_pay (no need to download the .well-known file
    4. You have saved the settings on your Stripe settings on your WooCommerce site

    Yes, I did all of those things. I’ll try again toorrow and report back so I would not mark this as rtesolved yet.



    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    Hi @voodoochill

    Yes, I did all of those things. I’ll try again toorrow and report back so I would not mark this as rtesolved yet.

    I will keep this as resolved. If this is still a problem, please post in the Stripe extension forum as this is related to that and not a general WooCommerce query.


    Thread Starter Mr Lucky


    OK, have tetsed again and still not working in spite of showing as successful on the phone. I will post on that Stripe forum you mention as it still isn’t working. However I wouldn’t mark this as resolved because it isn’t.

    One other thing I noticed is that when attempting to use applypay direct from the product page, there is an error:

    “We couldn’t confirm your location. Please manually validate it.”

    I think this is from the Woocommerce Taxamo plugin.

    I have the same problem. What to do? Like voodoochill I have only paypal and Stripe setup No Apple pLay.
    I get
    ‘Apple Pay domain verification failed. Please check the log to see the issue. (Logging must be enabled to see recorded logs)

    My payment gateways are just Stripe and Paypal’ on my dahsboard

    Help please!

    Hi there,

    Yes, the above issue is related to WooCommerce Stripe Gateway plugin, when I deactivate the plugin – is removed from my wp dashboard.

    with best regards,

    I’ve disabled the “Enable Payment Request Buttons” in the WooCommerce Stripe Gateway plugin. How many people pay with this service anyways.

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