Then do I need to upload images directly to system / FTP / server files instead of WordPress? Okey…
static function ( $images ) {
$for_retina_portrait = array(
'href' => '/logo-retina-portrait-1170.png',
'media' => '(device-width: 1170px) and (device-height: 2532px) and (orientation: portrait) and (-webkit-device-pixel-ratio: 3)',
$for_retina_landscape = array(
'href' => '/retina-landscape-2532.png',
'media' => '(device-width: 1170px) and (device-height: 2532px) and (orientation: landscape) and (-webkit-device-pixel-ratio: 3)',
$images[] = $for_retina_portrait;
$images[] = $for_retina_landscape;
return $images;
Didn’t work. I tried putting the site url at the beginning of the image paths, but it didn’t work. I guess this is something related to iOS. I hope it gets fixed. There is hope for PWA related to iOS 16.