• I am looking for recommendations on the best way to maintain hundreds of WP blogs, where each installation is on its own domain and hosting account (not WPMU).

    The most typical tasks that I need performed are:

    – upgrade to higher WP version.
    – add/activate plugins.
    – deactivate/remove plugins.
    – change admin password.
    – manage settings.
    – add/manage users.

    Is there any application that can help with this?

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  • Thread Starter miroslav


    Nobody has any suggestions?

    You need to write your own bash script.

    Thread Starter miroslav


    Thanks, Root. Any pointers on how to go about writing own bash script for WordPress?

    Also, it’s hard to believe there isn’t any third-party application that would do (at least part of) it.

    Could you get around the problem by leaving the blogs under one domain but have the other domains forward to those blogs with masking in effect?

    Thread Starter miroslav


    @starraynight… no, the blogs are each on their own domain and moving them is out of question.

    Thread Starter miroslav


    Thanks, MichaelH! Interesting stuff…

    So, should I assume that a publicly-available application doesn’t exist (whether free or paid)?

    That seems suprising given how popular WordPress is.

    Thread Starter miroslav


    OK, found one commercially available plugin:


    It seems to be doing most of what I need. Any body has experience with it or can suggest an alternative?

    Did get help from a forum member,and free install.
    Thank you for preserving my sanity, michael.
    Just not wanting to get deep into setting up programs anymore, recreating the wheel so to speak. I thought I was following instructions on setting up WordPress, yet I was making zero progress. Seems that what I’m looking for in my domain setup, is more for the fast brilliant minds that show in many posts. Am showing my blogs, so one could see the cumbersome index method i used, and the type of information being posted. Seems that the faster I go , the behinder I get ( LOL )and compared to what I would like to have, I’m not even born yet, behinder wise.

    Do I need a separate database for each of my blog’s?

    What I had in mind, was a page, showing all my blogs,on one main Blog page.

    Would want links from the main blog page, to open an Index page with links to a specific post.

    So that specific blog index, could be clicked to go to that specific post, where it could be read.

    There would be a return link back to the same index page.
    Have a cumbersome index page on my Blogger blogs with links to posts..
    Now if what I would like to have is impractical, how could I retain all the individual blogs in WordPress,( by importing ) to use the same way as in Blogger, using the one domain name I do have?

    ( the blogs I want to put into my ” thetalker.org ” domain are these )
    The Psychics Blog –
    The Healers Blog –
    Razors Edge –
    Razors Edge Two –
    Nothing But The Truth – https://dependsonwhosetruth.blogspot.com/
    The Ancient One Speaks – https://theancientonespeaks.blogspot.com/
    See What I See –
    Peaceful Warrior –
    This and that –

    Am going through post here in the forum, and reading those that would apply to what I would like on my WordPress setup on my new domain. It may also be improper to be showing my blog’s, if so would immediately delete. Any light into my foggy brain is appreciated.

    Hi All,
    Did finally get a working blog and index listing on a static page. This is what I wanted,rather than a continuous stream of enties. Now have to digest how the heck I did it with the HTML coding! Now need to also figure out a “return” to “index” function.

    With the shiny new WP ver 2.5 in full bloom, can only say,”what a disgusting step backwards” as regards what was removed from “manage posts and pages” in relation to WP ver 2.3.3.

    Just came across this .
    I know that the situation will improve, and it is, slowly but surely. At least it shows that there is/are brilliant hard working individuals listening to ones pleas for “good” changes. I am thankful for this ID change. Now pleae, restore the “Manage posts and pages” section to be like ver 2.3.3 was.
    Thank You for the “good”changes.

    {puts the post ID handily alongside of the post)

    h?mm oke thaks

    Quote from Miroslav:
    OK, found one commercially available plugin:


    It seems to be doing most of what I need. Any body has experience with it or can suggest an alternative?

    Well, I am the same questions as Miroslav. We will have blogs in many categories such as fitness, medical, etc and each category can have multiple blogs in it. My blogs are not developed yet so I want to set it right from the start. This will avoid hassle of re-doing everything later. Here is what I want to achieve and thus have these questions for the experienced bright minds:

    1. We will be using WordPress 2.5.1 or higher versions

    2. We will have many WordPress Blogs

    3. Each blog will have its own separate domain name.

    4. All the blogs/domains will be using same hosting account (open to using separate accounts in future if it is required for some reason).

    5. I want to manage these domains easily such as:

    – upgrading the wordpress to new versions (Q: I am not sure if we can use one single install of wordpress or not for this purpose?)
    – pluggins management
    – widgets managements
    – posts/pages management
    – general settings management
    – database management (Q: I am not sure if we can use one same database for all blogs or not for this purpose?)

    6. What happens if we have multiple blogs setup as above and then all of a sudden we sell one or more of the blogs to someone? Can we successfully transfer just those sold blogs (with all related proper WP/database/posts/pages etc) withOUT messing up the remaining blogs in our setup?

    Please advise what can be done.

    Thank you very much for your help.


    RBHanot, what about WPMU? Might work for your situation.

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