Your image didn’t embed properly. It could be due to an editor glitch, the block editor in these forums is a new feature and not all the bugs have been fully squashed. No matter, I know what the app passwords UI is supposed to look like ??
If the generated password is usable, the password list table doesn’t really do much for you beyond reminding you which ones were created. You cannot determine the password from the table, the table mainly serves as a way to revoke individual passwords. You could delete a user’s related meta data to revoke all of their passwords without using the table. It’s much more difficult to remove them individually without the table.
I’m not suggesting that you shouldn’t want to have a functional table, only that you can still have most password functionality without it while you continue to seek a proper solution.
I had suspected there’s something amiss with either your SSL cert or the WP algorithm that checks for one. (App passwords are disabled without proper SSL.) Except an anomaly would disable everything, not the just the table. You could try forcing app password availability by adding this line to your theme’s functions.php file:
add_filter( 'wp_is_application_passwords_available', '__return_true' );
I’m not convinced it’ll help, but it’s an easy thing to try.
I wonder if the table HTML is actually there in the profile, but hidden by CSS. To find out, right click on the Add New Application Paasword button and pick Inspect from the context menu. In the resulting element inspector window the button’s HTML will be highlighted. On a normal profile page there should be a list table wrapper div as the next element below the button. Within that div there should be an empty table nav div, then the HTML table itself.
If the table HTML is there, use the element inspector tool to determine what CSS is hiding it. You could then either correct the source or override it with some custom admin CSS. If it is not there, there is something amiss with the PHP that generates the table. See if your error log has any recent entries associated with when you viewed a user profile. Any related logged message could be a clue to what’s going wrong.
If the table is completely missing when it should exist and you have no plugins and a default theme, your WP installation is likely corrupted. You may need to do a manual update, even if you “update” to the same version. Before doing that, see if there is a must-use plugin that might be influencing things. Switch to a default theme and deactivate plugins as you have done before. Also rename the /mu-plugins/ folder in /wp-content/. (If there is no such folder, you don’t have must-use plugins.) Now see if a password table is visible. If not, go ahead and do the manual update process.