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  • Thread Starter trandinh2409


    errors happens when I update all the plugin to the latest version. If I use plugin WP Job Manager Version 1.19.0 ,WP Job Manager – Resume Manager Version 1.8.1 , it don’t show category at form search and shortcode [submit_resume_form] error. Please support, it is urgent. Thanks you!

    Plugin Contributor Adam Heckler


    I was just able to submit a resume and apply to that job just fine.

    Are you using the latest versions now, or no? Isn’t clear from your original post.

    If not, you should upgrade to the latest and we can work through the errors after that. Older versions are not supported.


    Thread Starter trandinh2409


    I fixed all errors above about 3 days. I update all plugin to latest version but now It has error at sign up page, it is blank page. I use shortcode [jobify_register_form]. At menu top, it show pop-up but it hasn’t blank content.
    I use list plugins and version
    WP Job Manager – Resume Manager: Version 1.15.0
    WP Job Manager – Predefined Regions : Version 1.9.1
    WP Job Manager – Job Type Colors : Version 1.0.1
    WP Job Manager – Contact Listing : Version 1.0.5
    WP Job Manager – Company Profiles : Version 1.3
    WP Job Manager : Version 1.23.13
    Please support. Thanks!

    Plugin Contributor Adam Heckler


    Looks like this is working now for me:

    Is it working for you too?

    Thread Starter trandinh2409


    I fixed when you seen. When I APPLY FOR JOB. Your application has been sent successfully. Where does that go?
    Please support. Thanks!

    Plugin Contributor Adam Heckler


    When I APPLY FOR JOB. Your application has been sent successfully. Where does that go?

    Usually to the email address the job poster entered during the job submission process.

    Hi, my website have button “submit resume” don’t work.
    Please support. Thanks!

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