• Resolved Ilian


    Hello Bojan
    You were able to helps me the last time i need support whne i used the Appointments Light plugin in my client’s site and i realy hope you will help me that time as well
    So i use the plugin Appointments Light in one wordpress medical site and all works perfect,whit Google calendar sincing adn payments.All is perfect how i said
    But we have a small bug problem related to using of Google Analitics dashboard for WP plugin- https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/google-analytics-dashboard-for-wp/

    My client want’s to use this plugin as he has some experience whti managing analitics before usign the same plugin in other site of him.
    But when he tring to access the dashboard on the wordpress admin panel,
    there is a blank screen and this two error messages :

    Warning: array_merge(): Argument #2 is not an array in /home1/specian6/public_html/privatecardiologist/wp-content/plugins/appointments/includes/gcal/Google_Client.php on line 96

    Fatal error: Class name must be a valid object or a string in /home1/specian6/public_html/privatecardiologist/wp-content/plugins/appointments/includes/gcal/Google_Client.php on line 97

    I did a big research for similar problem and found offered solution to update PHP version if it’s 5.2 or less but this solution is not usefull for us because the PHP version in the hosting is 5.6.

    The problem whit Google analitics dashboard is only when Appointment plugin is active.Even all other areas of the plugin works fine. The setups aream debug section shows no errors and the proper statistic could be seen in the Google analitics account of my client but he wants to use Dashboard insted.

    He is busy person and don’t have a time to go over sevral accounts to check.
    So he likes to much how Appointment plugins works and he realy needs also the Google Analitics Dashboard to works whit no errors ont eh dahsboard.

    All the plugins.themes and wordpress version are updated.

    Could you advice me any solutions please or to explain me what i could change in the PHP code of Appointments plguns to remove the errors from Google analitics Dashboard

    Please aks any additional questions if you did’t understend my explanation above

    Thank you in advance


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  • Hey there Ilian,

    How are you doing today?

    I’ve tested this on my sandbox site and I can confirm the issue, with both plugins active there is an error displayed in Google Analytics settings page.

    I’ll pass this information to our developer so he can investigate this further.

    Thank you for reporting this ??


    Thread Starter Ilian


    Hey Bojan
    I am fine ,thanks
    Thank you for your replay
    Hope to message me when your developer find from where problem is comming.

    By the way my client just message me and he said that insted of blank screen whit errors at the moment he seen only blank screen.

    Let me know please when you get both plugins to works on your sandybox site, so we could try to get them works on my client site.

    Even we can try to deactivate both plugins and then to activate again and do setups for both plugins again if this will fix the dashboard of Google analitics plugin.

    Thank you once again
    Have a nice day and good work


    Hey again Ilian,

    No worries, I’ll update the thread as soon as I have any info.

    Have a great weekend ??


    Thread Starter Ilian


    my client is realy dissapointed that the problem is not fixed yet
    So i have to ask one more time do you think your developer will be able to fix it?
    is it difficult to fix that bug?

    Plugin Author Bojan Radonic – WPMU DEV Support


    Hey there ilianskia,

    Would you mind contacting us through our contact form https://premium.wpmudev.org/contact/ using this template:

    Subject: “Attn: Bojan”
    -link back to this thread for reference
    -any other relevant urls

    Select “I have a different question” for your topic – this and the subject line ensure that it gets assigned to me ??

    Best regards,

    Thread Starter Ilian


    ok Bojan
    i will

    Plugin Author Bojan Radonic – WPMU DEV Support


    Thanks ??

    Thread Starter Ilian


    Thank you so much Bojan
    The problem is fixed alredy

    Plugin Author Bojan Radonic – WPMU DEV Support


    Glad to hear that ??


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