• Resolved tdechangy


    Hi, Why are the sub categories not displayed in the breadcrumb on my archive pages (blog & Woocommerce products), while they are displayed on Post pages ?

    I have all latest versions of plugins and WP version.

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  • Plugin Support amboutwe


    Is the subcategory that you want to show in breadcrumbs set as the primary category for the product?

    Thread Starter tdechangy


    It seem that you misunderstood. I talked about Archive pages, not single posts or product pages.

    See @ https://www.lemaitreantiques.com/histoires/mobilier/ The subcategory is “mobilier” but it displays only the first level category “histoires”.


    We would like some more information.

    1. Can you confirm you are using the most recent Yoast SEO Premium, v11? If you update, does the issue resolve?

    2. Are all your non-Yoast plugins and themes also updated?

    3. Can you confirm you implemented the Yoast breadcrumbs as described here https://kb.yoast.com/kb/implement-wordpress-seo-breadcrumbs/?

    Thread Starter tdechangy


    – I use latest versions of themes and plugins as much as I can. Yoast is auto-updated in the free version (now 11.0).

    Unfortunately my theme is a little bit outdated around 3 month. It’s the famous Divi theme. So it’s probably not related to that point. I also us a basic child theme for it.

    – On most pages I use the shortcode implemented using the Divi theme builder with an archive builder plugin (Layout injector for Divi).

    For Woocommerce only :
    I replaced the default WooCommerce breadcrumb with the Yoast one using this code :

    // Remove WooCommerce Breadcrumbs
    remove_action( 'init', 'woocommerce_breadcrumb', 20 );
    remove_action( 'woocommerce_before_main_content','woocommerce_breadcrumb', 20 );
    //Add Yoast Breadcrumbs
    add_action( 'woocommerce_before_main_content','my_yoast_breadcrumb', 20, 0 );
    if (!function_exists('my_yoast_breadcrumb') ) {
      function my_yoast_breadcrumb() {
        yoast_breadcrumb('<p id="breadcrumbs">','</p>');

    As you can see, nothing should brake the breadcrumb. And the strangest part is that it happens on both Blog and WooCommerce archives with both implementation approaches (shortcode & function).

    To be more precise :
    – WooCommerce breadcrumb is missing “first” category, while sub-category is displayed without its top category before it. And when On a top category Archive, this one is not displayed either, leaving an empty breadcrumb.

    > https://www.lemaitreantiques.com/boutique/categorie/petits-objets/eventails/
    > https://www.lemaitreantiques.com/boutique/categorie/petits-objets/

    – On the blog page it’s the opposit. sub-category is missing but not top category. but when in the top category, it is once again not displayed.

    > https://www.lemaitreantiques.com/histoires/mobilier/
    > https://www.lemaitreantiques.com/histoires/

    All this resulting both in displaying only one Category > Top-category OR sub-category, depending on the archive type (and breadcrumb implementation way).

    I disabled the “No Category Base” plugin and the breadcrumb function but the issue remained on the blog archives for what I’ve seen.


    A. WooCommerce Breadcrumbs
    We understand the breadcrumbs are not working on your Divi Theme. We tested it with Divi (not a child) v3.22.4, Yoast v11, and WooCommerce v3.6.1 and we were able to get the product subcategory to appear on a subcategory archive page.

    1. We added the code in the functions file: https://pasteboard.co/IbsQ8SA.png

    2. We assigned a product to have a subcategory: https://pasteboard.co/IbsQuZC.png

    3. The full breadcrumb pathway with the parent category and subcategory appeared: https://pasteboard.co/IbsQKlj.png

    If that is not happening we suggest a conflict check using this guide: https://kb.yoast.com/kb/how-to-check-for-plugin-conflicts/

    B. Subcategory Breadcrumbs
    We are not familiar with the Divi theme. We are not sure if they have integrated Yoast Breadcrumbs in it. We are not sure if you need to copy the code here: https://kb.yoast.com/kb/implement-wordpress-seo-breadcrumbs/ to implement Yoast OR if Divi comes with it automatically.

    We ask that you please contact Divi and clarify nothing extra needs to be done with Yoast breadcrumbs and they are just expected to work.

    Thread Starter tdechangy


    Hi, thanks a lot for support, after having a deeper look I found that one plugin that added an interesting feature YOU should provide, was doing it wrong.

    It was intended to remove the “last name” on post pages, which is a duplicate of the post title. But doing this it also removed the archive’s sub-category.

    I opened a ticket about it here :


    You can mark this ticket as closed for me.

    Plugin Support devnihil


    We are going ahead and marking this issue as resolved. If you require any further assistance please create a new issue.

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