Hey @spiked, can you explain a bit more how you set up that navigation item and page?
I noticed if you go to the home page and click on the category “Salem Corners,” it displays correctly, but then it doesn’t seem like all the pages are there. After launch day, I only see page 17. But when you click on page 17 I don’t actually see page 17, only these words:
“I hope you’ve enjoyed the book to this point. Here is page?Seventeen?from?Salem Corners: Raum Cometh, Book One, by?Devil Tale Studios. Enjoy.
Behind the Scenes:?No one knows this, but the wallpaper in this scene was inspired by my real life childhood home, as it had seventies retro wallpaper in the kitchen too.”
Is that correct?
Screen recording: https://cloudup.com/cS-vbEnhID7