• I used the code from this forum post Need help adding list of posts by TAG and it helped me to sort posts of a category by the tags.

    But since I am trying to implement infinite scroll jquery, I need to make this paginated using

    <?php if ($wp_query->max_num_pages > 1) : ?>
              <nav id="nav-below">test
              	<div class="nav-previous"><?php next_posts_link( __( '&larr; Older posts', 'intowntheme' ) ); ?></div>
    			<div class="nav-next"><?php previous_posts_link( __( 'Newer posts &rarr;', 'intowntheme' ) ); ?></div>
        	<?php endif; ?>

    after endwhile and by adding a paged query.
    The last one doens’t work however. If I put
    `$my_query->query(‘paged=’.$paged);’ above the while (or anywhere else) it returns all posts within the category for each tag.

    So my question is: how do I make this paginated the correct way?

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