moshu – that’s what I was explaining to her in terms she could understand – because on her site there’s a page called “archives” and I think what she was asking was how or if she could take the old page and stuff it in WP.
nevermore, just take the content of your old archives (they are links to and of images), not any of the page formatting, and create a new Page in WP, calling it whatever you want. (as a page title, not a filename) It will automagically use the same theme as the blog.
Like for example, go to Write…Page… and in the title field put “landscapes”. In the body, put the image links to the landscapes you did. Click “create new page”.
Presto! You don’t have to mess with the files at all, WP does the work.
In the sidebar of the blog, it will list Pages, so you do should not have to create or add the links yourself.
Does that help?