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  • That should work without any special file. See Template_Hierarchy

    Thread Starter cocko


    hmm, should. My Archive Template:

    Template Name: archives
    <?php get_header(); ?>

    <div id='content'>

    <?php if (have_posts()) : ?>

    <?php while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>

    <h2>Archive – All Entries</h2>

    <?php the_content(); ?>

      <?php wp_get_archives('show_post_count=1'); ?>

    <?php endwhile; ?>

    <?php endif; ?>

    <?php comments_template(); ?>


    <?php get_footer(); ?>

    piece of my index.php file:

    <div id='content'>
    <?php $posts = query_posts('cat=-4'); ?>
    <?php if (have_posts()) : ?>
    <?php while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
    <h2><?php the_title(); ?></h2>

    The “Archives” Page template –> usually the archives.php template file in a theme and the archive.php (without the -s for plural!) in a theme are two very different things.
    You have the Page template and it’s used when displyaing the Page you linked above.
    The archive.php file (if exists) is used to display monthly and category archives. If ther isn’t such a file – index.php is used (see: Template_Hierarchy).
    So, if your monthly archives don’t show up, there is something wrong with your setup.
    Do they work if you switch to the default or the classic theme?

    Thread Starter cocko


    I have created an archive.php file, so it’s working now, many thanks ??

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