• I’ve just had to go through the blog posts on my site resetting all the posts to allow non-members to read them. It seems like an auto-update(?) has reset all the posts to the default ‘members only for this page’. Am just so blind I haven’t noticed the posts were never open for the last few months or is there a bug here?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hi @thesupercargo,

    Thanks for the message ??

    We are very happy to help you ??

    We traced on our sites in last weeks, we did not found our wordpress posts be set up as members only on our sites. It is a little strange, we checked our codes, what we did in this section is hook wordpress official editor API to add the “members only for this page” status for One wordpress post. Sorry we cannot understand the problem in the current time, we guess:

    1: If you are using buddypress members only pro, we do have a one click reset menu / panel for bp members only pro users, if you click the one click reset button, then all settings will be cleared, if you are using bp members only free, this should not happened because in the free version, there are no codes of this function at all. ??

    2: Because all codes is followed wordpress official editor API, so if you are using another editor, may be our code could not hook an API or may be there are some filters in that editor which will change some status? ??

    I am not sure what’s the reason, we would like get a few more details to solve the problem for you, would you please submit a ticket to us, we will help you solve this problem ??

    Thanks, have a happy day with your family ??

    Best Regards,
    Buddypress members only support

    Please note, just like our plugin description said:

    By default, Home page of your site is always be opened to non member users.
    Login page will always be opened to non member users.
    Register page will always be opened to non member users.
    Lost Password page will always be opened to non member users.
    User activation page will always be opened to non member users.
    In backend “Buddypress Members Only Setting” menu -> Option Panel, you can setting “Register Page URL”, “Opened Page URLs”, please check screenshost at https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/buddypress-members-only/screenshots/
    “Opened Page URLs” will opened to non member users always.
    “Register Page URL” will opened to non member users always.
    When guest users try to view any other pages on your site, they will be redirected to the URL which you set up in “Register Page URL” — you can select other pages in this URL too, for example, landing page, or membership payment page… and so on

    If you hope just restrict your buddypress pages, and open all wordpress pages to non-members, in buddypress members only settings, you can find the option “Only protect my buddypress pages ” and “All other sections on your site will be opened to guest”, if you enable this option, wordpress posts can be views by non-memebr users. If you disable this option, when non-member users try to view your posts, they will be redirect to the specific URL which you set up in back end ??

    Also you can set up to open a few kinds of wordpress post to guest users, at the same time, you can still restrict a few important wordpress posts to non-member users, after enabled “All other sections on your site will be opened to guest” option in back end, then in wordpress editor, you will find a new metabox “members only for this page?”, if you hope restrict this wordpress post to non-member users, just checked “Allow everyone to access the page” in “members only for this page?” metabox, then in front end, guest users can open this wordpress post too. ??

    Please submit a ticket on membersonly.top, we will check it for you ??

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