• I’m still having weird Permalink problems – see thread here (https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/whats-causing-categories-and-tag-links-go-to-error-404-page?replies=14#post-2783009) – which Esmi suggested had to do with the .htaccess file and that I should get in touch with my host, which I did but they were no use. Now, I’m not able to upload images to my site – getting html errors on crunching. I’ve looked around and, again, implications are that it’s to do with .htaccess file. So, I’ve gone into my FTP manager and located four .htaccess files. The code in each is below. If anyone knows about these things, could they say whether these files are where they should be and say the things they’re supposed to say. Any other suggestions as to my issues would be much appreciated. Thanks.

    1. html directory>.htaccess

    # BEGIN WordPress
    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /index.php [L]
    # END WordPress

    2. db backups>.htaccess

    AuthType Basic
    AuthName "User Backups"
    AuthUserFile /home/content/03/9159303/html/stats/.statspwd
    require valid-user
    Options +Indexes

    3. current>.htaccess

    # BEGIN WordPress
    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /index.php [L]
    # END WordPress

    4. WP admin>.htaccess

    # BEGIN WordPress
    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /index.php [L]
    # END WordPress
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  • Thread Starter pushkin


    I’ve given up trying to get the Permalink I want, and settled for having ‘archives’ in all the URLs and avoiding the 404 page. I’ve also deleted the smush.it plugin and will ‘crunch’ images before uploading them to the site.

    However, I’ve still got issues, which I’m sure are related. They are when trying to instal the WP Super Cache plug in, I get the following message:

    Warning! /home/content/03/9159303/html/wp-content is writeable!

    You should change the permissions on /home/content/03/9159303/html/wp-content and make it more restrictive. Use your ftp client, or the following command to fix things: chmod 755 /home/content/03/9159303/html/wp-content/

    What does this mean? I’ve looked for /home/content/03/9159303 file in FTP and can’t find it?

    Also, if I try and use the search field on my site – https://golovegreece.com/ – top right hand corner; and put in something that will return more than one page, for example, Athens, while page 1 of Search Results brings up the relevant results, if I try to bring up page 2 or page 3 of Search Results (bottom left corner), I get a 404 (Page Not Found) Error.

    Is this a Theme, WordPress or Host issue?

    Thanks for any help.

    Thread Starter pushkin


    I should add that regarding the ‘extra’ folder /current/ showing up in the directory, in the end I noticed that it contained duplicate files in the html directory, so I deleted the current folder. It didn’t solve any issues, unfortunately.


    This is the full server path to your WP install, on the GoDaddy server:


    FTP will probably show /home/content/03/9159303/html/ as your root folder. What the message means is the folder /wp-content/ in the root folder should have its permissions set to 755. Usually you right click on the folder in your FTP program and it offer a menu option for Properties on the menu that comes up. Change the folder permissions to 755.

    If you are using the hosting control panel file manager, highlight that folder. Then find the option that lets you change the file permissions and set them to 755. That hopefully takes care of Super Cache’s error warning. By the way, I suggest not turning on caching until you have resolved all of these other issues. Having caching turned on is only going to make debugging these issues more complicated by adding another whole set of possible problem sources.

    Have you or your theme created custom search code by any chance? The error you report (404 on page 2) usually occurs when a custom query has been created that modifies the default.

    One form of the code to resolve it looks like this:

    $paged = (get_query_var('paged')) ? get_query_var('paged') : 1;
    query_posts( $query_string . "&paged=$paged" );

    but it depends on how your theme is coded. If you’ve not changed any code concerning searches you might direct the problem to the theme author. It looks like you are using a Premium theme.

    Thread Starter pushkin


    Thanks very much for detailed response.

    In FTP>WP-Content, I can get into Set Permissions. I can’t see any numbers to change, but it gives me two options:

    1. Permissions: Set Permissions for selected files/folder, then there’s two boxes: Web Visible (which is clicked) and Executable (not clicked). I’ve made a screenshot here: https://i1171.photobucket.com/albums/r556/pushkin64/FPTpermissions1.jpg

    2. Advanced Permissions: One row says Web User Permissions, the other says Owner Permissions. All boxes – Read, Write, Execute (Directory) are on. Screenshot is here: https://i1171.photobucket.com/albums/r556/pushkin64/wpcontentpermissions2.jpg

    What do I need to change to get the equivalent of 755? Thanks

    One more reason GoDaddy hosting leaves things to be desired when hosting WordPress. I can’t tell from that what settings equate to 755. Googled and it wasn’t much help. See here

    GoDaddy’s system is apparently set up so very untechnical people aren’t overwhelmed with complicated details. However that makes it hard for people who know what they want to accomplish to do so.

    Either contact GoDaddy support and ask them what combination of boxes equals 755, or download a desktop FTP program and make the change in there. A commonly used free one on a Mac is called Cyber Duck. I prefer Filezilla https://filezilla-project.org/download.php but its a little more technical. Either should let you set file permissions in the normal way, with numbers like 755.

    Thread Starter pushkin


    I managed to change permissions with Filezilla. I changed everything to 755. It took a while, but everything went through. Thanks for showing me how to do this. However, it hasn’t solved my Permalinks issues, and I’ll now get in touch with the Theme designers to see if the problem isn’t something to do with the Theme.


    When you say “I changed everything to 755”, only folders are supposed to be 755. Files are to be 644.

    Sorry if that created extra work for you. I was suggesting only that you change the one file that SuperCache was notifying you about.

    Thread Starter pushkin


    Oh, dear! Should I change everything back? It didn’t really create work for me. It just runs in the background. It’s not a big deal to change it all back. Is that what I should do? The site doesn’t seem to have been affected one way or the other.

    files should be 644
    folders should be 755

    it is important for securing your site against malicious behavior

    Thread Starter pushkin


    This screenshot – https://i1171.photobucket.com/albums/r556/pushkin64/Filezillapermission.jpg

    shows what wp-content looks like after I changed it.

    Should I now go Numeric Value 644 with ‘Apply to files’ button on


    Numeric Value 755, with ‘Apply to directories only’ button on?


    Thread Starter pushkin


    All done. Thanks for holding my hand through the process. I’ve dropped a line to my Theme designer explaining Permalinks problem. Maybe they can help. I hope so.

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