Hello and thank you for your kind words!
The Contact Form 7 author Takayuki Miyoshi could certainly make changes in their plugin to prevent ours from integrating nicely or properly. We have full faith that Takayuki would not do something like this maliciously. Should the Contact Form 7 code-base change in future updates it’s up to our team to adapt our plugin code to integrate as best as possible and as quickly as possible so users do not run into issues. It’s also worth noting that this plugin is mutually beneficial since it gives the userbase of Contact Form 7 a choice between reCaptcha v2 and v3 very easily; not to mention most of this plugins code is entirely based off code previously written by the author.
We understand your point and it is a valid concern but we have no reason at this time to believe that it is something Takayuki would actively pursue. This is an issue that many extensions of other plugins ( WooCommerce, BBPress, Jetpack, WordPress itself ) face. Code changes with time and it is up to the authors (us) to adapt to that change in a timely manner.
We hope the above both addresses and helps ease your concerns. We will mark this thread as resolved for now but should you have any additional questions feel free to reply below. Have a wonderful rest of your week!