Articles Listed
Hi, how do I display a list of articles that match a month or category?
That is exactly what I want, is there any more help on this?
Like a tutorial?
where is the Archives Template?
please, believe what I said a few posts above. Regardless of template (btw, the monthly and category archives are displayed by thearchive.php
if exist, if not, on the index.php – see Template_HIerarchy) if you set in Options > Readings to show one (1) post… WP will show one post everywhere, unless you use one of those plugins I’ve linked above.ok, i get that bit, but why when you have in your sidebar recent articles, it lists them.
I am getting the last 5 articles listed.
That is all I want, a page that has all the articles listed depending on the month or category that I choose.
If I change that option to 2 or 3 then when I click on November for example I get 3 articles as written, when what I want is a list of links to click.
Am I not being clear enough
No, you are not being clear and you jump from one issue to another.
The content part of your blog – be it main page or archives – is one thing and the sidebar is another thing. Focus on one thing only ??
1. You need an archive.php template where you will delete the_content tag from it, in this way it will show only the title
2. You need to install one of those plugins I’ve linked and with the help of the plugin you can set:
– one post on main page
– 999 posts on monthly archivesWhat is so complicated? I am telling you this since a few days, you just never tried it.
Hang on a minute, first off you never said to delete the_content tag. Secondly I have not jumped from one issue to another, I was merely using the sidebar on my site as an example of what I wanted in the main area.
“You need an archive.php template where you will delete the_content tag from it, in this way it will show only the title” – where is this archive.php template? Do I just write one from scratch or is it setup already?
You see why I am getting annoyed is, that WordPress is requiring me to start coding and messing around with templates when all I want it to do is a simple list showing all the articles in a month or category. Something like the recent articles in the sidebar.
I’m not php minded, that is why I am struggling a bit
Nick, we went through (almost) the same 9 days ago: you have a custom theme – there might not be an
file. You can take a look at the Default theme, it has one. Don’t write it from the scratch, just pick the ideas from there.(I am not php minded either – couldn’t write one line of php code even if my life depended on it. I am a linguist who is not even a native English speaker, so my logic was: if I can understand it, a web designer with “basic PHP skills” should get it, too. Sorry, I couldn’t resist…)
So as someone who is not php minded, do you not think it is a feature that should be more easily implemented.
Ok, so how would I link this page to the thoughts page on my site? At the moment when I click an article it goes through to the index.php page,
Would I need to create a Page using the write page function?
This should be your monthly archive:
At the moment, because it is using the index.php to display it, and I assume you have the top content hardcoded in that file… it also shows what you don’t want there.
[see above: Template_Hierarchy > if there is no archive.php file the index.php is used to display the monthly archive]The archive.php template is NOT a Page template. I guess your problem is that you tweaked the WP theme system and that’s why is so difficult to understand it.
There are two kind of “archives” possibilities in WP.
Instead of explaining I’ll examplify (is there such a word?, LOL) with my vanilla install:
the Blog:
monthly archive: (displaying only excerpts)
category archives:
(btw, one of the posts in this cat presents a visual anatomy of a theme: how the template files put together the theme)and now the Archives Page (!)
This one is using the archives.php file which is a Page template (notice the plural -s at the end)You don’t need to write any Page. Just make the archive.php file and you are done.
Ok, the penny has almost dropped.
I installed that plugin, activated it and it showed all the articles I wanted it to, but it showed them all rather than a list. So I need to edit the page that is showing my archives right and delete the content tag to show just the title.
Where the hell is this page? I can’t find it.
Now I have decided that I don’t mind having more than one article on the home page, but on the archive page I want to just have the titles.
Where would it be? I must have one right as I was getting the page when I clicked on a month
When you clicked on a month your posts were displayed on the index.php file (notice the top stuff is tehre and it shouldn’t – I guess).
You can take the archive.php file from the Default theme and edit out/delete the_content… and eventually edit so that the html tags (div ids, classes etc) will be the same as in your index.php are used and upload it to your theme folder.The only theme folders I have on my server are classic and default. There must be a file there for me to edit right? I shouldn’t have to write a new file.
I am looking at a file in the default theme folder called archive.php and it doesn’t seem to have the_content tag.
Do you want to look at my ftp?
OK, sorry, that one has the_excerpt, which displays the first 120 words (or so) of a post.
Now Iam getting confused. How is your theme working if you don;t have your own theme folder?
I really don’t know, do you want to PM me so that I can give you my ftp details to look at,
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