• Hi there. I’ve recently stumbled across Artisteer – and have been playing for a couple of days in the demo version. I like what I’m seeing so far… and am also interested in that they’ll be rolling it out for Joomla and Drupal soon too. I’m finding it extremely easy to use. I haven’t tried installing anything I’ve exported from it (no point, as there’s a watermark on the demo version, and I don’t want that all over one of my websites)

    However – before I part with my hard earned cash… I’d like to know what you guys think of it. Of course on Artisteer’s own website, everything is glowing and fluffy… but have any of your guys had problems with it? I’ve only ever bought well established and trusted names in the past – so I don’t fancy a dead duck. If it does what it says it does… then great! But if not, I’d like to be forearmed.

    Thanks in advance, from a concerned lady.

    E x

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  • For anyone interested, there’a a beta OS X version available here: https://www.artisteer.com/?p=news (it’s currently at 2.2, but there may be something newer soon).

    I’ve been using the Win version with VMware for several months, and it’s great for rapid prototyping.

    I made my site https://www.synlighjemmeside.dk/ in Artisteer.

    I do know that much about css and html, I’m learning fast :-)but others have said it is a little complicated to edit the php and html.

    I miss the ability to make the header linkable, however.

    Having said that I think Artisteer is great, and as said by others it is easy to make nice templates fast.

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