• Hi There

    I would really appreciate someone helping me out with this (someone with the patience for a non-coder/rookie when it comes to things like this…

    I have the Forever Theme which I love and I am happy with the way that set up is in terms of banner, 4 pics with a snippet of info, older posts shown larger beneath, right hand column, HOWEVER – I feel like there is so much blank space unused around the frame of my blog and that my actual page could be wider thus allowing photos to be larger when you click into a blog post and then perhaps there wouldn’t be so much white space around the outside.

    Even if I’m unable to increase the overall width of the column where all my blog posts go (under the 4 top posts) on all the pages (so that the part where I post is slightly larger – as I don’t need to widen the right hand column), I feel like the right hand column which I place my social media icons and brand ads, could be slightly smaller (say allowing up to a 300×300 max banner size) as currently the right hand column has a bit of an unused gap which I wish I could take up with some of the space that I currently have for where my posts go.

    Basically – I really want to make the area where you are reading one entire post, and the area under the most recent 4 posts, wider!

    I hope this makes sense. Again – I’m not a coder and dont understand all the coding jargon, so if you can dumb it down/keep it simple as much as poss I’d really appreciate it.

    This is my site so you can take a look at what I mean: https://gurlinterrupted.com/

    Thanks in advance

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  • Ayman


    What you need can be done with CSS in one of 2 ways:
    1- Creating a child theme to modify the parent theme styles.
    2- Using a plugin to add custom styles to the theme.

    In your case I would suggest you go with the second one, and here are the steps to follow:

    1- Install My Custom CSS plugin. ( learn more about how to install a plugin here: https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Managing_Plugins#Installing_Plugins)
    2- After you have installed the plugin a new menu tab in backend will appear. It should be called My Custom CSS, Click on it
    3- After clicking on the plugin tab a new screen will open with code editor in it. Copy and past the following code:


    Thats done. Now to explain you a bit how the code is working so you can modify it to your needs:

             * This is the width for the main content area
             * You can modify the 70% to any number between 1 and 100
             * the 'max-width' is to override the the original size so
             * give ie the same value as the 'width'
             * This is the width for side bar area
             * You can modify the 20% to any number between 1 and 100
             * Note: Leave a 10% of difference between the width you give
             * to the content area and the one you give to the side bar
             * to keep the layout nice and clean

    Anyway, you can learn more about creating a child theme here:

    Hope this helps.

    I installed the custom css plugin and added the suggested code. It worked great to increase the width of my content area, but my pictures remained the same size. Is there anyway to increase the size of my pictures?


    Here is a link to my blog mypurplespoon.com

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