Asking for advice about backup strategy
Hello to everybody!
I would like to ask your advice about making a reasonable backup strategy. I have a website which has about 600 MB of file content and 31 MB database size. I am currently backing it up like this:
Because of frequent comments and not so frequent new posts, I am making database backups 3 times per day with BackWpUp, the location is local, so it generates to the wp-contents folder (because it is too big to send through email attachment).]
I am making backups of the files every second day, also to the same server.
On my desktop windows machine, I have set up Cobian Backup to download all the database and wp-content backup files through FTP from the website to my local machine once every 5 days.I would like to ask you a couple of questions:
Is this stratedy over complicated?
Is it safe to make backups to Dropbox or Amazon S3, in terms of data safety? I am afraid that if by any chance the site gets hacked, the backup copies on Dropbox and S3 also could be deleted, so I would be in trouble without other copies (I would like to get rid of the backups on my work machine, because it takes up too many space on my hard drive, and also when I am away from my computer and it is not turned on, they are obviously not getting copied from the server).
How long is wise or how long does it make sense to keep the backup files?Kindly Thank you very much for your answers!
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