I am sorry that we haven’t made our service clear enough for you.
The image optimization we are offering uses a lot of processing power. We cannot offer this service unlimited, for free, as this is not sustainable. This is not unique to WordPress, or to other optimization plugins who operate on the same freemium model.
However, we manage to offer the 100 free quota, which is renewable each month. This information is straightforward and available on our site, under the Pricing tab https://shortpixel.com/pricing
The other plugin reviews you have read are not fake. Our users can be checked for their identity and their honesty. I understand that you had different expectations, but this doesn’t mean that others do not find our service and pricing excellent.
I saw that you have used this month’s free quota. I hope you will continue to use our plugin next month, when you will receive 100 more optimizations.
I also hope that you will change your review. It is doing other users a disservice in misinforming them. I wish you’d have contacted us directly, we are open to find solutions for our users and try to help them.
I am looking forward to hear your thoughts on this.
Sabina Ionescu
CEO & co-founder ShortPixel
PS. This not a ‘guy’. This is a team working hard to address the image optimization problem, with the best results and most affordable prices so far out there.