Ok! Sorry that took so long. My new computer didn’t want to communicate with the WP repository, so I couldn’t get the new version uploaded.
Quick tutorial on how to make this work.
To create a pause/(re)start button, add a link anywhere on the page. As always, the element does not need to be inside the #aslyder container, and will work anywhere on the web page.
<a href="#" class="aslyder-pause">Pause</a>
That’s all you have to do for the default. If the ‘Pause’ link is clicked, the slideshow is halted, and the text is replaced with “Start”, waiting for a restarting click.
For styling purposes, the script uses two classes. a-pause and a-start. Use these for image replacement or other styling. If using a-pause remember to also add this class in your default markup.
<a href="#" class="aslyder-pause a-pause">Pause</a>
The script accepts two HTML5 data tags for changing the default text, if desired. These are totally optional, and for most will be unneccessary since image replacement will use used to display start/pause buttons to the user instead of text.
Whatever you set these data types to, will be used rather than “Start” and “Pause” as is the default for the script.
<a href="#" class="aslyder-pause" data-starttext="Go!" data-pausetext="Please wait!">Please wait!</a>
Remember to set the default pause text in the HTML markup to match the pausetext data, or it will look a little weird to the user – if using text. They can be different if desired, however, and will not impact the script function.
And that’s it! Hope you find this update satisfactory for your needs! Thanks for using JAM, and my aSlyder script!