Hey there kncmoon,
Hope you’re well today!
Question weighting
Unfortunately this is not available in the current version of the plugin. All elements within the unit are getting equal amount of % in the total unit completion. However, this has been already suggested to our plugin developers so it might be added in the future.
Multiple correct answers
This is definitely possible by using Multiple choice element.
Cloze Questions
This is not available as a single element but you can use multiple elements to achieve similar effect.
Time limit
Also not available in the current version of the plugin. This is actually an interesting idea so I’ll definitely pass this on to our plugin devs.
Feedback per question based on answer
You can add comments in the assessment section of the plugin https://screencast.com/t/0jCO2E2os which you can later download as a pdf report see other screenshot https://screencast.com/t/xyD7c0iyAh.
Ability to review correct/incorrect answers at end of quiz
All student answers can be found int he assessment section in Coursepress -> Assesment.
Ability to lump questions into different categories
Questions can’t be assigned to different categories. The you can create separate pages with different questions within each unit in the course.
Ability to export results into csv/excel type format
Reports can be exported only as pdf at the moment.
Ability to email results to admin and user
Notifications can be sent to all students within the course. Sending results to specific users would have to be done manually or either using different plugin. They should be able to see the results once graded within the dashboard in their course.
Hope this helps ??
Best regards,