• I have a custom post type ‘road_trip’ with taxonomy ‘tripstatus’ terms ‘upcomingadventures’ (id 10) and ‘completedadventures’ (id 11).

    I already added to functions.php a function to assign all new ‘road_trip’ posts automatically to the ‘upcomingadventures’ term using this:

    `function add_tripcategory_automatically($post_ID) {
    global $wpdb;
    if(!wp_is_post_revision($post_ID)) {
    $tripcat = array (10);
    wp_set_object_terms( $post_ID, $tripcat, ‘tripstatus’);
    add_action(‘publish_road_trip’, ‘add_tripcategory_automatically’);`

    All ‘road_trip’ posts have a field ‘end_date’ (the end date of a road trip, in the future at the time of publishing a post). How can we automatically move posts from ‘upcomingadventures’ to ‘completedadventures’ when the timestamp of ‘end_date’ is less than the timestamp of ‘now’? Hook into wp_init or wp_loaded? Adding to functions.php seems like the right approach but the part about needing to do it to all posts with term ‘upcomingadventures’ is throwing me off.

    I am thinking a wp query and a loop with the timestamp conditional inside it

    if strtotime(get_post_meta(get_the_id(), 'start_date', true)) > strtotime('now')

    and then a wp_set_object_terms() to move the post to ‘completedadventures’ when ‘now’ is later than ‘end_date’ would work?

    Not sure about the syntax details for the loop (or other approach) to call up all ‘upcomingadventures’ road trips to be tested for ‘end_date’ and then, where applicable, moved to the ‘completedadventures’ term.

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  • Actually you could do it with both term and meta data, to be 100% sure, granted I’m not entirely sure what start_date looks like ( it’s variable type ) so I’ll assume unix timestamp. This will save you a conditional check and meta query in the loop by grabbing all the right posts first.

    Something like this should work, but I’d test it in a dev environment first ??

    function get_outdated_posts() {
    	$outdated_posts = get_posts( array(
    		'post_type'      => 'road_trip',
    		'post_status'    => 'publish',
    		'posts_per_page' => -1, // Get ALL posts
    		'tripstatus'     => 'upcomingadventures', // Use the slug of the term
    		'meta_key'       => 'start_date',
    		'meta_value_num' => current_time( 'U' ), // gets the current time based on wordpress blog settings in UNIX timestamp format.
    		'meta_compare'   => '<', // ie. less than current time.
    		'fields'         => 'ids',
    	) );
    	if ( empty( $outdated_posts ) ) {
    	foreach ( $outdated_posts as $post_id ) {
    		wp_set_object_terms( $post_d, array( 11 ), 'trip_status', false ); // Overwrite it
    Thread Starter andygo12


    Thanks Jerry.

    My dates are in mm/dd/yyyy format.

    To get the UNIX timestamp I do

    strtotime(get_post_meta(get_the_id(), 'start_date', true))

    Can that go somewhere in your code above, or would I create an additional post meta field for the date in timestamp format?

    Does hooking get_outdated_posts into wp_init seem like a reasonable thing to do? Or would you recommend a better hook?

    For the hook, I would recommend a cron-task. That way it’s ran once every say 15 minutes. A good place to start with crons is wp_schedule_event() https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Function_Reference/wp_schedule_event

    The problem you’re going to have is the way you’re storing the dates mm/dd/yyyy while yes, it’s more readable for us Americans ( it’s how we do it ), it’s hard to compare the data directly in WP Query

    You should update how you’re saving the meta data and force it to save in ISO-8601 format ( Y-m-d ) – though ultimately I always save date/timestamps as Unix format.

    Otherwise, yes you’re forced to loop over every single post, then check the date via get_post_meta, and you would have to remove the meta_key and meta_value_num keys from the query I gave you.

    Thread Starter andygo12


    Awesome thanks. I’ll tinker with this and post back the result.

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