Hi Joachim and thanks for your answer.
Yes indeed I create front end dashboard for my clients.
In the case of multi user sites indeed a little complex but achievable, I have done it a couple times.
So each user has their own dashboard where they can CRUD (Create Read Update Delete) their own content.
This works with posts as well as with custom post types. So the question is if I can do it with ads from Advanced Ads.
My assumption is that structurally speaking, an Ad is a CPT. If so, I should be able to achieve what I want. Can you confirm please?
In my next project, it so happens to be that I only need to display the ads, but no user actions will be available. So at least that simplifies things.
Also, for the project at hand, I don’t need to associate the ads with any woo product. the ad is not the result of a transaction. That simplifies too. However, what I need to achieve is that the Admin can enter an Ad (in the backend this time), and associate it to one of their users. If the admin can pick the author, regardless of his/her role, that would be great. Do you confirm this is possible?
For future projects, it would be great if these ads can be associated to a woo product. Woocommerce recurring payments support would be ideal. Is that the case of the pro version?
Thanks kindly for your help,