Astra definitely creates additional images with each upload. You can access your image file uploads via FTP & see a list of the additional images generated for each image uploaded to the media library. Each generated image has appended text tagged onto the end of the file name like this: 300×300, 768×768, 800×800, etc.
Some of these extra files come from WordPress itself and can be changed via your website’s WordPress dashboard panel in Settings > Media. I have 3 options to set: Thumbnail Size, Media Size, and Large Size. You can also just add this to the end of your domain (without the quotations) and it will take you to the settings page for your image sizes. “/wp-admin/options-media.php”
When you are viewing the list vis FTP of all the extra generated images files, you’ll want to keep in mind your WordPress dashboard settings. Whatever you’ve typed into the fields for Thumbnail Size, Media Size, and Large Size, the image file names with those appended numbers come from there & all additional sizes (that don’t match those 3 dashboard settings) come from the Astra theme.
It is highly recommended you paste the proper code into the functions.php of your Astra’s child theme functions.php and not Astra’s functions.php itself. Any changes made in Astra’s theme files will be overwritten every time the theme is updated & you’ll lose the modification. I know there is a way to prevent Astra from generating the images via the child theme’s functions.php file, but I’m not sure what code to paste into that file. It would be helpful if Astra provided this.
Astra, can you provide us with the code to paste in our child theme’s functions.php file to prevent additional images from being generated?