• I’m having some issues with Athletes being displayed (anywhere.) When I enter an athlete through the plugin, it creates a new WordPress user but does not show up in the plugin’s admin settings, nor is it viewable publicly. I am able to create events, and those show up just fine, but for some reason not athletes. And when I add an athlete, the plugin detects the users (it will say “showing 1-X of X users”) but they aren’t actually listed …

    The site isn’t live at the moment, unfortunately, so I can’t provide a URL. I have tried disabling the SQL view parameter, and no change, unfortunately. Plugin looks to have a LOT of promise so I’m hoping this can be overcome… any thoughts?


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  • Thread Starter kdevilbiss


    To update this – I am actually able to enter results for the Athlete, and they will be displayed in the results listings. So really, the problem is on the Admin page for Manage Athletes – no one is listed. Otherwise, it seems functional, so maybe it’s just a display issue on that one page?

    Plugin Author conormccauley


    Hi there. Interesting problem, off the top of my head I can’t explain it without seeing your setup.

    There was an issue in previous versions where the prefix for user tables wasn’t set correctly and this posed a problem if you were not using the default wordpress prefix. This has since been fixed, what version are you running?

    I assume you’re developing locally since you can’t provide a URL. If so, can you tell me which wpa tables have been created in your local database.

    Also could you inspect the ajax request and tell me what params are sent on the request to retrieve all athletes?

    I am having the same issue. A new WP installation from scratch with latest version.

    I think this is the request you are after (?)


    response is


    But no data is displayed.

    Having a problem with the Manage Athletes section. I can create a new athlete, assign race results to them, but unable to edit that athletes profile. I mistakenly gave an 11 year a 56yo dob, but now cannot edit her details from admin. Manage Athletes should dsiplay a table, and says I have 114 athletes but none of these are visible.
    See link: https://feildingmoa.co.nz/wp-admin/admin.php?page=wp-athletics-manage-athletes

    New problem just arose: Our WP site started having problems with content displaying on any page. Looked for faults etc on “read more” tabs and other. However it was only when we deactivated WP-Athletics that everything came right. Why should WP-Athletics be interfering with other content on our site? I have 114 athletes and several hundred lines of results inputted. Not all that keen to delete WP Athletics and start all over again, thoughts from anyone?

    If it looks like we may have to then can I download existing data we’ve put in and then re-upload once reinstalled?



    @Feilding Moa, did you sort it out?

    – For the link to work you have to be logged in.

    – Your site looks good, the club records are showing up as well.

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