• Hi ??

    Your plugin works wonderfully, so for starters, a big congratulations and thanks.

    I use it on a page that I created for myself /authors (auteurs in french)
    It works very well, I have my authors, and if I click on an author the following page is /author/author-name (that’s perfect)

    My problem is that the link of the article is /author-name/category/post-name
    Ideally, I would like to have /author/author-name/category/post-name

    If I configure the permalink /author(auteur in FR)/%author%/%category%/%postname%/ then my articles have the url I want, on the other hand on my /authors page (/authors) then the links to the authors become: /author/author/authors-name/

    I can’t understand if it’s possible to remove one of the 2 /auteur/ to have just /auteur/authors-name/ when I’m on my own /authors page.

    I hope I explained myself clearly ??

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  • WPAgentur


    Hi Tabasko, i think u can do this with this plugin:

    The only problem is, if u use translations at your site and in your permalinks. Than there is actual no other way than a multi-site-installation, in different languages. Sure its possible with a lot of workarounds but not by default.

    Hope this will help u a little bit ??

    Thread Starter tabasko


    Thank you so much for the the fast reply.
    I already use ??edit authors list??.

    problem is the fact that I get /auteur/auteur , twice.

    Plugin Author WPKube


    Hi @tabasko

    Thank you ??

    Just to mention first that our plugin does not modify the permalinks, it just “asks” WordPress what the author archive URL is.

    I’ve tried out the “Edit Authors Slug” plugin and it seems that there’s a bit of a bug in there.

    What you are looking for is that 2nd option “Remove the “front” portion of the author permalink structure” which would just use example.com and then append the “Author Base” which you can set to author and then the structure becomes example.com/author/AUTHOR_NAME/

    BUT, it seems that if the “Author Base” has the same word as the permalink structure you’ve set in the WordPress options then it gets rid of both of them.

    Which is definitely a bug in “Edit Authors Slug”.

    Thread Starter tabasko


    Verification only makes sense if it is done 100% for all keywords.

    Send me in text format the keywords + the text, I will tell you how many of them are present or not.

    Verification as you do, is what I used to do before without searching everything one by one.

    With a meticulous verification, I proved you that half of the words were missing.

    It’s really nice that you took the time to answer me again when it’s beyond the scope of your plugin.

    Your explanations are clear, I thank you.
    I’ll check with the author of the other plugin (and at worst, I’ll do otherwise).

    In any case your plugin works great !!!!!

    Plugin Author WPKube


    You’re welcome and thank you.

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