Thank you for your questions. I can give you some help with both of them.
You wrote “auto-expand the ‘Att. Categories’ link“; I understand that to mean you want to automatically populate and expand the taxonomy boxes in the ATTACHMENT DETAILS pane of the Media Manager modal window. If that’s right, you can go to the Settings/Media Library Manager General tab and scroll down to the “Media Manager/Media Grid Enhancements” section. There you can check the box to the left of “Media Manager auto-fill meta boxes”, then scroll down and click “Save Changes” to record the new setting.
The auto-fill setting is turned off by default for performance reasons, but you can experiment with it and see if it works in your application. If I have not understood your question, let me know.
You also want to “rename ‘Att. Categories’ everywhere“. Renaming any of the labels and other literals in MLA can be done by creating your own custom “language” file. You can find complete information on creating your own translation in the “MLA Internationalization Guide”, which is included with MLA as /media-library-assistant/languages/MLA Internationalization Guide.pdf
If you don’t want to undertake editing the media-library-assistant-en_US.pot
file yourself, let me know what replacement label(s) you want to see and I can send you a custom translation file. You can send your replacements and your contact information using the Contact Us page at our web site:
Fair Trade Judaica/Contact Us
I hope that answers your questions. I am marking this topic resolved, but please update it if you have any problems with or further questions about the solutions I have proposed. Thanks for your interest in the plugin.