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  • Hey Birmania, looks like the author (@hildende) has abandoned this plugin, why not send a mail to good people at pulgins at and suggest to adopt it. You could then update the plugin code with your patch. WP encourages for users to adopt abandoned plugins which are still being used by the community.

    Plugin Author Birmania


    Hey @aurovrata,

    I didn’t know that it is something possible.
    I am not sure that I would be a good father but I could give it a try !
    Moreover, I could see that there is others PR in progress, waiting to merge.

    Thanks for the tips !

    I didn’t know that it is something possible.

    sure, just send in a mail to the address I listed above and attach a zip file of your patched plugin. The original author will remain and you will be added as a 2nd author.

    I am not sure that I would be a good father but I could give it a try !
    Moreover, I could see that there is others PR in progress, waiting to merge.

    well better a learning-father than no father at all ??

    A couple of years back I wrote in to them, about another plugin I was maintaining outside the repo (on github) as its author has abandoned it. The good people of WP did a quick check and quickly replied accepting my changes and giving me access to that svn account. The plugin has since increase its live installations by another 30% and many grateful users. I too needed it for another project and hence continue to maintain it. When I initially submitted my patch, I also added other people’s solutions that fixed various bugs.

    Hey there,
    @birmania: I would like to know if you have taken over here with this plugin? Would be great if you have!!!

    Plugin Author Birmania


    Hey @haddlyapis,

    Thanks for your comment, first contact with is done. Now, I need to fill a TODO list and send them back a response.

    I will keep you in touch with the status of this request.


    Anonymous User 13300557


    Hi @birmania,

    I’m the original author of this plugin but stopped working with WordPress quite some time ago and while I still wanted to maintain this plugin it never became a real priority and over time I actually forgot about it.

    I’m happy someone wants to take it over. Not sure if I can give you ownership of this plugin somehow (I didn’t find an option anywhere) but if I can help in the process, please let me know.


    Plugin Author Birmania


    Hi @hildende,

    Thanks for your answer !
    It seems that you can keep the ownership of the plugin and let another dev’ help you with commit access right.
    Summary :

    To add users as committers, that is give them access to update code, go to and add their username in as a committer.
    To have them show up as an author, add their username to the readme.txt file.

    I am currently working on a retry feature with a max_retry settings. This could be merged in the plugin too. ??


    Hi Birmania, I hope you are succeeding in taking over this plugin, it seems quite unique. I was wondering if it has the ability to define the rate of sending ie 1 email per minute or eg. no more than 80 emails an hour. I have a limit with my host to 100 emails per hr and although my site doesn’t often send a lot of mail, occasionally it will send to all followers of a particular post, which might be several hundred. As I have a theoretical limit of 2,400 smtp emails per day, sending eg 300 emails should be fine, so long as not in the same hour.

    The only other plugin with similar functionality is this one but it seems very expensive and I assume it has much the same core functionality as this old ‘SMTP Mailing Queue’ plugin. So if you do add new features please consider the above if it doesn’t exist. Thanks

    Anonymous User 13300557


    @birmania, I just added you as committer.

    Plugin Author Birmania


    Hi @dubaidogfish,
    Thank you for the interest to this plugin, @hildende did a great work !

    SMTP-Mailing-Queue plugin should answer your needs.
    Set the following values in your advanced properties :
    Queue limit : 1 (This will send 1 mail for each iteration)
    wp_cron_interval : 45 (One iteration every 45 seconds)
    It will maximize the number of email sent to 80/3600 seconds(1 hour).

    Note : If you asks to send 80 e-mail, it will take one hour to be sent.

    Thanks @hildende for the commiter addition, I am currently preparing a V1.1.1 which will contains :
    * Feature: Added advanced option to retry mail sending X time before declare invalid.
    * Feature: Added French translation.
    * Bugfix: Attachments are no longer lost on mail sending.

    @dubaidogfish, if your SMTP provider return an error on exceding mails, the “retry” feature may accelerate your mail sending as you could set a number of retry sufficent with your limits.

    Plugin Author Birmania


    Hi all,

    Attachment lost is solved in the version 1.1.1 which is out now.
    Sorry for the time it took to deliver the version.

    Thanks @hildende for the access right on SVN commit.

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