• Resolved perfectweb


    Restricting access to pages is working great. Restricting access to downloading attachments is not working. I attached some files to a page using the wpc “Manage File Attachments” area, and set all of them to be visible and downloadable by “Members Only”. I then viewed the page, copied the download URL, and pasted the URL in another browser where I was not logged in. The file downloaded although it should not have. I tried several other browsers and computers with the same result, downloading a protected file without logging in.

    The download link looked like this:

    Also, the attachments list opens one div,
    <div class='wppcp-attachments-display-panel'>
    but closes 2 divs, which causes havoc on my theme.


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  • Thread Starter perfectweb


    I took a look at the plugin’s WPPCP_Post_Attachments class (class-wppcp-post-attachments.php) and see how you are using the permissions to show or not show the download links, but are not using the permissions to control the download. A few extra lines in file_attachment_download() would prevent unauthorized downloads. See below.

    i think users of your plugin are under the impression that managed file attachments are protected, and that someone could not post a link to the files that anyone else could use.

    foreach ($post_attachments as $key => $attach_data) {
    	if($attach_data['attach_id'] == $wppcp_file_id){
    		// echo "<pre>";print_r($attach_data);exit;
    		if ($this->verify_download_permission($attach_data)){
    			$file_mime_type = isset($attach_data['mime']) ? $attach_data['mime'] : '';
    			if($file_mime_type != ''){
    				header('Cache-Control: public');
    				header('Content-Description: File Transfer');
    				header('Content-disposition: attachment;filename='.basename($file_dir));
    				header('Content-Type: '. $file_mime_type);
    				header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary');
    				header('Content-Length: '. filesize($file_dir));
    		} else {
    			echo 'You need to <a href="'.wp_login_url().'">login</a> before downloading this file.';
    Plugin Author nimeshrmr


    Thanks for the information and suggestions. Will get it fixed in the next version.

    Plugin Author nimeshrmr


    I have fixed this issue and hence marking this as resolved. Please let me know if you still have same issue

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