• Resolved ptiadmin


    I purchased the Pro version of the plugin, but the paid support has expired so I am submitting my issue here.

    ISSUE#1: I was previously advised?to not enable management stock at the attribute level unless I was offering a product like the tea example.? I have realized that I have too many attributes (t-shirt color and bag color instead of just a color attribute) so am trying to revise.? I selected the specific color attribute that had the most data? (metal pens) and noticed?that the management?at stock level is checked.? I edited each to remove this check mark so that the color attribute can be used for other products by placing the appropriate attributes under attribute stock.
    The issue I have is that when I now go to Attribute stock, it says “disabled” next?to the entry for the brown pen whose attributes are the color brown and metal pen.? The stats image is gone as well.? When compared to other items in the shop that do not have the manage at attribute level box checked, they have the stats.? I need to understand what I am doing wrong and if I need to completely redo the color attribute from scratch so I don’t have this problem.
    ISSUE#2: I was previously able to select dual color for some color options.? Now, everything that had a dual color says the name but the color box is empty.? When I try to create a new color, having a dual color is not an option.
    Thank you in advance and let me know if I need to post my issues in the free forum.`

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  • Thread Starter ptiadmin


    Disregard ISSUE#2. I just realized it was a feature from my variation swatches. I just need help with ISSUE#1

    Plugin Author Mewz


    Hi @ptiadmin,

    I think you’re getting confused with the “Stock Management” checkbox on attributes. There is one on attributes (attribute-level) and there’s one on attribute terms (attribute term-level). These function differently.

    These checkboxes are also linked to your stock items under Products > Attribute Stock, as you’ve noticed. If you uncheck stock management for an attribute term, then the corresponding attribute stock item will be disabled. Really it’s just a simplified way of managing your attribute stock.

    In your case you should just update your attribute stock from the Products > Attribute Stock screen. There’s no need to update your attributes directly as they will reflect the changes you make to your attribute stock items automatically.

    Thread Starter ptiadmin


    Thank you for your response. I need to make color a single attribute instead of shirt color, pen color, book color as I had done previously. I had set up colors for each type of item which is causing issues now but I didn’t realize this at the outset. I felt like my work of changing this would be easiest if I modified the item with the most color attributes. SO I took pen color and changed it instead to color so I can then just add the remaining colors to this attribute to then reassigning to products . (Hope that makes sense)

    Here is how the pen color attribute looks now that I changed it to just color. I have https://snipboard.io/hB2tRi.jpg

    Under the individual color term, the enable stock management is checked. https://snipboard.io/jY2Ha9.jpg

    IN order to use this color term (black in this case) as an option to manage stock of other items that are black, I thought this block would need to be unchecked. With it checked I think it is pulling stock from the original black pen stock where I want to be able to use it for other items too like shirts.

    So are you saying to keep the checkbox enabled and I will still be able to use this color attribute globally? e.g. under attribute stock by adding as one of the attributes for black shirts?

    If this does not work, does it mean I need to manually create a new color attribute that will be added to all other products?

    I currently have over 100 attributes since I did them separately for each product instead of a single attributes and I want to change this as there are too many attributes to accurately work with filters.

    Thread Starter ptiadmin


    I noticed my other attributes do not have the manage at attribute term level checked. It seems to only be this attribute for pen color that I changed to just say color. I want to ensure that the new color attribute can be used for other items.

    Plugin Author Mewz


    I understand what you’re trying to do. What I’m saying is to not bother with the “Stock management” checkbox on your attributes. It’s not entirely relevant and more confusing to do it this way.

    You need to go to Products > Attribute Stock and update your attribute stock from there. What you want to do is make sure your stock items match your physical inventory.

    For example, a Black Pen stock item will at the very least need to have the Color: Black attribute, and then either a Filter to match only your Pen product(s), or another attribute that is only used on your Pen product(s). The latter is called a “control” attribute, when only used for stock matching.

    If you do this for all of your stock items, you don’t need to bother with the “Stock management” checkbox on your attributes at all as they will update accordingly.

    If you require further assistance, please renew your support on CodeCanyon and contact us via our premium support channel. We’ll be more than happy to help get your stock set up exactly the way you want.

    Thread Starter ptiadmin


    Thank you so much. I understand that I can ignore the checkbox for now. I will continue to work on this and if I have any more issues, will renew support.

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