Hi everyone,
Ok we think we have a fix for Avada, they are using some incorrect and some outdated code. The following has been tested by us and works:
For the themes/Avada/archive-wpfc_sermon.php file:
<?php get_header(); ?>
<div id="content" <?php Avada()->layout->add_class( 'content_class' ); ?> <?php Avada()->layout->add_style( 'content_style' ); ?>>
<?php if ( class_exists( 'Sermon_Manager_Template_Tags' ) ) {
$sorting = new Sermon_Manager_Template_Tags();
} else {
if ( function_exists( 'render_wpfc_sorting' ) ) {
echo render_wpfc_sorting();
} ?>
<?php get_template_part( 'templates/blog', 'layout' ); ?>
<?php do_action( 'avada_after_content' ); ?>
<?php get_footer();
Then in the theme’s functions.php file around line 647:
<?php if ( ! $archive ) : ?>
<?php echo wpfc_sermon_media(); ?>
<?php wpfc_sermon_files(); ?>
<?php wpfc_sermon_description(); ?>
<?php echo wpfc_sermon_attachments(); ?>
<?php echo the_terms( $post->ID, 'wpfc_sermon_topics', '<p class="sermon_topics">' . esc_attr__( 'Topics: ', 'sermon-manager' ), ',', '', '</p>' ); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
Here is our test site – https://wpforchurch.com/testing/205/sermons/test-sermon/
Let me know how that goes!