• I’ve installed the Authimage plugin, and it appears I did it incorrectly. I’m just trying to get this thing setup and am already getting a zillion spam comments. I followed all of the destructions included in V2.02. You can see the problem I’m having if you go to the comments on https://www.intricateart.com/journal
    I’m getting a text box with what appears to be my 404 page within it. I am using the random text version of Authimage. (Trying to, at least!) I’ve gone through and double checked every single code, and I just don’t get what I did wrong.
    Sorry, verrrry new to WordPress, I hope someone can help or direct me to the right place.
    Thanks in advance!!

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  • I was having similar problems with the AuthImage. I found that in the instructions in one particular area there was an extra preceding forward slash in the README.txt file that completely messed up the address.
    Change the code given in line #116 so that there is NO preceding forward slash. Instead of this:
    <img src="/wp-content/plugins/authimage.php?type=image" width="155" height="50" alt="authimage" />
    it should read:
    <img src="wp-content/plugins/authimage.php?type=image" width="155" height="50" alt="authimage" />
    If you are using the phoenetic English text listed in line #123, instead of this:
    <iframe src="/wp-content/plugins/authimage.php?type=text" width="155" height="50" />
    it should read:
    <iframe src="wp-content/plugins/authimage.php?type=text" width="155" height="50" />
    Making this change (I use the image, not the phoenetic English) AuthImage is the best killer of spam that I have found.

    My host says that they have GD installed and that I’m free to use/install Freetype on my account, but the problem is that I don’t know how….?

    I do not have shell access, and basically it seems that it’s down to putting some files in a directory!?

    I only have access to one directory below www and they use a proprietary customer interface with mainly ftp access. They do support Perl/CGI scripts as long as they have the .pl or .cgi extentions. Any ideas?


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