• HI I got a multi-author blog (not WPMU) based on WP 2.92

    I need a plugin or an hack to show the count for every post written by author in a month.

    Actually I can sort post about author (or month) but not author + specific month.

    I got only total post from that author….
    I need something show me how many post that author has written in a specific month (February, march etc…).

    How can I do?

    Hope yoo help me to find a solution, I find for a plugin but didn’t find it….

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  • <?php
    //displays users along with count of posts each user has belonging to current month
    $current_month = date('m');
    $current_year = date('Y');
    $blogusers = get_users_of_blog();
    if ($blogusers) {
      foreach ($blogusers as $bloguser) {
        $user = get_userdata($bloguser->user_id);
        $userposts = get_posts('year=' . $current_year . '&monthnum=' . $current_month . '&author=' . $bloguser->user_id);
        echo '<p>User ID ' . $user->ID . ' ' . $user->user_firstname . ' ' . $user->user_lastname . ', has '. $count .' post(s) in year/month ' . $current_year . '/' . $current_month . '</p>';

    That’s what you need: https://andystedemos.altervista.org/download.php?name=Monthly_Post_Counter
    It’s a WP Plug-in that shows a list of each author’s post every month, and if you want, you can also define some payement value so that basing on these rules the plugin will do the counts for you. Give it a try!



    hey Ste_95, great plugin, i wish i found it earlier ??

    however, i just installed it and i can’t see statistics for previous months. can it be fixed somehow? ??


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