A well designed WordPress theme should be able to support all of this; the stock WordPress Twenty series certainly do, your mileage may vary according to your theme though.
1. The authors page (https://blog.brinkoffreedom.net/authors/) to display all of the authors bio’s in a list on that page.
Create a page which either uses the plugin’s shortcode or one of the plugin’s template tags to do this. You can either use these in wildcard mode, to list all authors, or you can specify categories (roles) of authors or simply repeat the shortcode/tag, once per desired author.
2. When a reader click on the authors name I am hoping I can have it load the authors bio on top and then all of the articles that author has written below it.
The author’s name link in the Biography Box automagically links to that author’s archive page (assuming it’s enabled in the plugin’s configuration settings). As I mentioned in my earlier reply, you can modify your themes author archive template to add the Biography Box (again, via shortcode or template tag) to support this.