Most feedreaders display only the title and description fields from the feed, but there are many more fields available. Here’s an item from one of my feeds (yours will look the same, most likely):
<title>KB Survey demo is up</title>
<pubDate>Tue, 30 Oct 2007 16:48:05 +0000</pubDate>
<category><![CDATA[KB Survey]]></category>
<guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
<description><![CDATA[Want to administer multi-item surveys in WordPress? Want to be able to export the results to spreadsheet or statistical software? Check out the KB Survey plugin’s new demo:
KB Survey demo
You would need to be logged in as admin to see how it exports to a spreadsheet, but you can see how the survey works and [...]]]></description>
Note that my name appears in the dc:creator field.
If you want the name to be more obvious, go into /wp-includes/ and edit the various files called feed-***.php. You’re probably most interested in feed-rss2.php and feed-atom.php. Edit these the same way you edit template files.
In one feed I’ve got elsewhere, I changed this:
<title><?php bloginfo_rss('name'); wp_title_rss(); ?></title>
To this:
<title><?php bloginfo_rss('name'); wp_title_rss(); ?> - by <?php the_author(); ?></title>
(or something like that)