• richb


    	$authors = $wpdb->get_results('SELECT DISTINCT post_author FROM '.$wpdb->posts);
    	//$authorlink =  the_author_posts_link();
    	foreach($authors as $author):
    		<!-- Begin the first article -->
    		<article class="author-<?php the_author_meta('user_login', $author->post_author); ?> author">
    			<div class="postimage">
    				<a href="/author/<?php the_author_meta('user_login', $author->post_author); ?>/" title="<?php the_author_meta('display_name', $author->post_author); ?>">
    				<?php echo get_avatar(get_the_author_meta('user_email', $author->post_author), 350); ?>
    			<div class="authorinfo">
    				<h2><?php the_author_meta('display_name', $author->post_author); ?></h2>
    				<?php the_author_meta('description', $author->post_author); ?>
    				<p><a href="/author/<?php the_author_meta('user_login', $author->post_author); ?>/" title="READ POSTS+">READ POSTS+</a></p>
    		<!-- Closes the first article -->
    	<?php endforeach; endif; ?>

    I have the above code working great for displaying a author list with detailed information. I’m not really great with working with sql, but I need to display this list by the authors nickname. Right now, it is ordered by ID. Any ideas?

    Thanks in advance.

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