• Tom


    Hi all, I have a strange problem: I noticed that users with “author” permissions do not have the “view” link active within the posts screen page in the backend…. so these users cannot view the posts of other WordPress users.
    Can you help me understand where the issue is?
    Thank you very much!

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  • Moderator bcworkz


    All users should have “read” capability and thus be able to view posts, assuming they can access the posts list table to start with. The view links are only visible on hover. They still are not visible even on hover? Have user roles and capabilities been altered in any way? You can use one of the roles and capabilities plugins to check. I use “Members”, but nearly any should do.

    If capabilities are OK, it could be your theme or a plugin has corrupted the CSS that manages the hover effect. Try switching to a default theme and deactivating all plugins. Authors should now be able to see the view links on hover. Isolate the cause be restoring your theme and plugins one at a time, testing after each, until the problem returns.

    Thread Starter Tom


    @bcworkz Thanks very much for the reply.
    I inspected the code and there is no trace of the “view” link… I was hoping it was hidden via CSS, but it isn’t.

    I used this code to check author capabilities:
    if ( is_admin() ) { var_dump(get_role( ‘author’ )->capabilities); }

    the result is:

    array(15) { [“upload_files”]=> bool(true) [“edit_posts”]=> bool(true) [“edit_published_posts”]=> bool(true) [“publish_posts”]=> bool(true) [“read”]=> bool(true) [“level_2”]=> bool(true) [“level_1”]=> bool(true) [“level_0”]=> bool(true) [“delete_posts”]=> bool(true) [“delete_published_posts”]=> bool(true) [“read_nc_reference”]=> bool(true) [“read_private_nc_references”]=> bool(true) [“edit_nc_references”]=> bool(true) [“edit_nc_reference”]=> bool(true) [“edit_published_nc_references”]=> bool(true)}

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by Tom.
    Moderator bcworkz


    No view links when using a default theme and no active plugins? That should not be. Your WP installation might be corrupted, you may need to refresh the files by performing a manual update, even if it’s to the same version.

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