• The plugin has been working without issues until yesterday when the authorisation is removed? error log: 2017-03-13 22:35:18: (403) Error calling GET https://www.googleapis.com/analytics/v3/data/ga?ids=ga%………..&start-date=14daysAgo&end-date=yesterday&metrics=ga%3Asessions&dimensions=ga%3Adate%2Cga%3AdayOfWeekName&quotaUser=u5s1p91225952&samplingLevel=HIGHER_PRECISION: (403) User does not have sufficient permissions for this profile.

    under the tracking code I see its all OK but still need to authorise. I go through the steps to reauthorise and its OK and saves but as soon as I go to the dashboard its gone. Tried clearing cache, going incogneto and using a different browser.

    The only other change was adding Yaost which also wanted authorisation but when I connect the account it only showed half the accounts and not this site so I removed and deactivated that code. Is there a conflict? Can both run at the same time?

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  • Hi,

    As the error indicates, the authorization gets cleared because you don’t have sufficient permissions for the profile in question.

    Thread Starter Peter


    Hi Alin,

    OK so yesterday it was authorised and now it’s not? Permissions have not been changed? The only change was adding the Yoast SEO plugin.

    What you really need to focus on is:

    User does not have sufficient permissions for this profile.

    In the link from the error there’s an id (which you removed while posting). Using that id and looking at Plugin Settings tab you will be able to find the property generating the error. Something’s wrong with the setup of that Property, it’s either a shared one and you don’t have enough permissions on it or related. For example, the Google Analytics demo account has a similar limitation https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/6367342?hl=en#limitations. While you can see the stats, you can’t access it through the API.

    We aren’t dealing with a plugin conflict here, the error is generated by the API in response to a request.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by Alin Marcu.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by Alin Marcu.

    One more thing, are you using your own API Project credentials while authorizing?

    If you do, the error could be generated by the Real-time API if you don’t have access to it.

    John di Stefano


    I have the same issue.
    I have 2 domains, one is working fine the other has this issue.
    It seems to be that when you try to activate or re-activate the connection to the Google API, it fails.
    Alin, your advice is useless and not helpful.
    Don’t push it away. It is your problem. If it is your plugin or not that causes it doesn’t matter.
    Your plugin relies on the Google API and if that doesn’t work, your plugin becomes useless.
    You should know best how it all works and where to look.

    Has anyone else found a solution to the problem yet?

    Hi @entrepreneur-academyeu,

    As the forum guidelines indicates, please open your own topic describing the exact issue and error you have.

    Thanks in advance.

    @pwenwp do you have any updates on this?

    Thread Starter Peter


    Hi Alin,

    I have two google accounts as the owner with many web properties for analytics. So full authority. The plugin works on all other sites but not this one where connection issues occur.

    I have just tried again and this time I was able to get authorization to stick but on the dash board I get in the top frame this error: This report is unavailable (403) and in the bottom frame: This report is unavailable (-23)


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by Peter.
    Thread Starter Peter


    Just refreshed and again the authorization settings are gone with the same permissions error message? Is this connected to the user I am logged in with ie does the user details in WP admin need to match that used for google analytics?

    @pwenwp the user in your WP instalation is unrelated to the one you’re authorizing Google Analytics with.

    Since you’re using two Google Analytics accounts, can you try to reinstall the plugin and to authorize the plugin while using an Incognito/Private window on your browser? Is the easiest way to make sure the plugin is authorized with the right Google Analytics account.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by Alin Marcu.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by Alin Marcu.
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