• Actually this plugin has the potential to be excessively popular for its awesome functionalities. Thanks to the developers for creating it.

    So, what is the one star rating for?
    Because it has certain downsides.
    1. Plugin authors don’t care to fix the bugs even after reporting repeatedly.
    Edit: [18.01.2017] The bug is fixed finally. So upgrading to 3 stars.

    2. This plugin is in this free repository only as a marketing strategy, as the free version allows to create only one course. That said, it seems to be a testing version before buying the premium one.
    Edit: [16.02.2017] It is now free for unlimited courses, so upgrading to 5 stars.

    3. Even who wants to buy the premium version, cannot buy it as a standalone plugin. You need to buy their monthly subscription to get this as a part of the package. So, if you need rice, you need to buy all 200 items they offer in their grocery.

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by Jayanta.
    • This topic was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by Jayanta.
    • This topic was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by Jayanta.
Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 16 total)
  • Agreed. I’ve encountered nothing but bugs with CoursePress. It’s a poorly written plugin. And the free version of this plugin is a joke — the 1 course limitation makes this plugin almost useless. (the WordPress description says 2 courses but the plugin only lets you do 1 — false advertising). It’s not worth $50/mo.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by wpdev999.
    Thread Starter Jayanta


    Absolutely, but they have corrected the description about 1 course limit, as I can see now.
    But this is ridiculous that a premium plugin author is using this free repository to advertise its products giving you an opportunity to test drive it.

    I agree, it’s ridiculous they are using the free repository to push what is essentially a demo. If they wanted to make an actual, usable free version to get people to consider purchasing it should support 4 or 5 courses. Or do like LearnPress and make the base plugin free and sell upgrades to add functionality.

    Plugin Author jdailey


    Thank you both for the feedback. We are really trying to find the best way to benefit more people with our free plugins and these discussions help guide our development. Your comments have been shared with our product development team. Thank’s again and we hope we can win more stars as we continue to improve CoursePress.

    Thread Starter Jayanta


    Thank you too for your response and actions taken. I really want this plugin to get the buzz it deserves. It’s only the business strategy that has kept it out of reach for many.

    I will NEVER pay $50/mo ($600/yr) for this plugin. I have absolutely no need for the other plugins in the WMUDEV bundle and shouldn’t be forced to subscribe to a bundle in order to get the Pro version. Please reconsider how you package and sell this plugin. First, however, you need to make the free version less restrictive so we can actually evaluate it. At one time your description said 4 courses could be created, but now you are down to 1.

    Plugin Author jdailey


    Thank you for the follow-up. Both your suggestions and pain points have been moved to our development team. I will keep you updated with any progress.


    To be clear, I am not against paying for Pro features. But $600/yr is ridiculous. This makes CoursePress one of the most expensive LMS solutions. CoursePress does not offer anything that competing LMS systems do that would justify this price.

    LearnPress is free for unlimited courses. WP Courseware is $100/yr for unlimited courses. Sensai, by Automattic (creators of WordPress), is $129/site for unlimited courses. LearnDash is about $150/yr for unlimited courses. Then we get CoursePress — $600/yr for unlimited courses, bundled with a bunch of plugins nobody wants.

    Part of business is doing a competitive price analysis. It’s time to rethink your pricing.

    Plugin Author jdailey


    Hello! Thank you for your feedback and patience while we got this sorted. 2.0.4 was just released and we have decided to remove all our course restrictions. We really do want to provide a great free product and appreciate you sticking with us as we work through building a more stable and comprehensive plugin. Everyone now has access to unlimited course creation.

    We hope you enjoy this addition (along with the other improvments).

    I appreciate you removing the course restrictions. However to get 2.0.4 you are FORCING us to use the WPMU DEV dashboard to update CoursePress, and we must have a WPMU account to use the dashboard. You only offer paid accounts for $600/yr. This is b*llsh*t. I am not paying you a dime for CoursePress when you do sh*t like this.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by wpdev999.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by wpdev999.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by wpdev999.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by wpdev999.
    Plugin Support Imran – WPMU DEV Support


    Hello @wpdev999,

    My apologies for all this frustration.

    The CoursePress is a free plugin and no subscription is required. All updates are supposed to be done from the WordPress Dashboard > Updates and not using our WPMU DEV Dashboard plugin.

    From the version 2.0.4 we started providing the premium version of the CoursePress for free, here on the www.ads-software.com. Is there is a chance that you have the WPMU DEV Dashboard installed on your site? I’ve tested the plugin on my installation and can’t replicate the same.

    You can always download the plugin from the plugin’s page and directly upload it to the wp-content/plugins folder. Please see here for details.

    If you still can’t update the plugin, please let us know in support forums so we could help you solve this issue.

    Please let us know how it went!

    Kind regards,

    I have installed. I removed the WPMU dashboard from plugins. CoursePress says a new version is available but that automatic update is unavailable for this plugin.

    I will attempt to download it and manually update it.

    Thread Starter Jayanta


    Thank you everybody! I appreciate that you have made that plugin free. But, I would like to know if you have plans to withdraw existing features one by one to make them available as premium extensions, as it happened for a similar plugin LifterLMS and many users were forced to buy the extensions or leave it.
    And kindly update the information about the pro features and all in the plugin homepage here https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/coursepress/
    Thanks and regards.

    Plugin Author jdailey


    Thanks Jayanta. That is not our plan. We will continue development because we use CoursePress on WPMU DEV to run our own Academy. https://premium.wpmudev.org/academy/

    The homepage is updated. Thanks again.

    I have downloaded the plugin and uploaded it manually. It no longer says WPMU DEV is needed to update however it still says that for MarketPress. Now we will begin the process of testing since you always break something in an update…

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