• Hi, my authors can’t edit their own comments, neither through a direct link on the post view page nor through user menu -> comments.

    I’m not sure, but I might have had the role manager plugin installed, maybe that messed things up.

    Is there some place in the db where I can look the capabilites of each user up?

    Any other ideas?

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  • Thread Starter Janzomaster


    I would really appreciate some help. This has been going on for some time & versions.

    Try to look at the plugin: WP Ajax Edit Comments
    Sounds like what you might need

    Thread Starter Janzomaster


    That’s not really what I want, registered users used to be able to edit their comments, I just want the “built-in” feature back. As an admin, I still get all the options and links I want my users to have. So it’s still somewhere in there.

    Is there some way to look at the capabilities of my user roles?

    It would be great if my authors could edit their own comments, but the wp-ajax-edit-comments plugin doesn’t work for me as it says it will. Anyone know how to enable this?


    I have 6 authors and 3 administrators. The admins can put any media we want in our comments and edit our comments. I would like authors to have this ability too, but keep unregistered anonymous commenters from posting code in their comments.

    How can this be done?

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