authors sorting
I’ve got a problem with the sortby function. My output is sorted by the first_name and not by last_name, but as you can see below my mendeleydb is correct…
Thanks!Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/vnd.mendeley-document.1+json Date: Tue, 17 Mar 2015 08:18:40 GMT Vary: Accept-Encoding Vary: Accept-Encoding X-Mendeley-Trace-Id: xxxxxxxx Content-Length: 529 Connection: keep-alive {“id”:”xxxxxxxxxxx”,”title”:”Horae entomologicae.”,”type”:”journal”,”authors”:[{“first_name”:”T.”,”last_name”:”De Charpentier”}],”year”:1825,”source”:”Wratislaviae”,”identifiers”:{“issn”:”0″},”created”:”2015-01-25T09:50:37.000Z”,”volume”:”0″,”file_attached”:false,”profile_id”:”11656617-ab0b-380b-b109-00391b3fbee3″,”last_modified”:”2015-03-17T08:14:51.000Z”,”tags”:[“Non disp.”],”read”:false,”starred”:false,”authored”:false,”confirmed”:true,”hidden”:false,”citation_key”:”0193″,”source_type”:”article”}
output example with sortby=”authors” sortorder=”asc”:
Lanfossi, P. 1826. “Saggio Di Storia Naturale Dei Contorni Di Mantova.”. Giorn. Fis. Chim. St. Nat. Configliacchi E Brugnatelli D.II, T.9: 42.
Rossi, P. 1790. “Fauna Etrusca.”. Thomae Masi & Sociorum, Livorno.
Van Der Linden, P.L. 1823. “Agriones Bononienses.”. Opuscoli Scintifici Di Bologna, 4: 101. (110) 4: 101.
Van Der Linden, P.L. 1825. “Monographiae Libellulinarum Europaearum Speciemen.”. Bruxelles.
Van Der Linden, P.L. 1823. “Aeshnae Bononienses.”. Opuscoli Scintifici Di Bologna, 4: 158. (167) 4: 158.
De Charpentier, T. 1825. “Horae Entomologicae.”. Wratislaviae.
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