• I’m a novice with WordPress and pasted this parameter

      <?php wp_list_pages(‘exclude=17,38’ ); ?>

    into a page I wanted to exclude from the top menu in my theme. It worked but also knocked out two pages off the menu that I wanted there. Now no new pages are added to the menu.

    Since then I found the place in my theme settings where I was supposed to exclude pages from the menu with a simple click.

    How can we fix the installation so new pages will be listed in the menu again?

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  • Remove that added code from your page. That’s not how you exclude Pages from a menu. For a start, what code is being used to generate the top menu on your site? Have you considered simply creating a custom menu?

    Thread Starter mCashgen


    I guess I forgot to say that I did remove the code and even the page it was on. But now the automatic adding of page links to the menu is broken and I need to know how to fix it. (Or at least how to manually add those links back.)

    I don’t want a custom menu. I just need to add two links back to the existing theme menu.

    My web site is here: https://www.mcashgenerator.com/ so you can see. It used to have Joint Venture and About Us links and now they’re gone and I can’t get them back.

    Thread Starter mCashgen


    Under Appearance/Menus I got this message “The current theme does not natively support menus…” I don’t know what code is generating the theme menu. I’m not a programmer. I don’t know any php at all. Just some html.

    Try re-uploading a fresh copy of your theme to wp-content/themes using FTP (or whatever file management application your host provides).

    Thread Starter mCashgen


    OK thank you. Do I have to do it by FTP or can I do it through WordPress itself as I did the first time?

    It has to be done through FTP as you will be overwriting the existing theme folder.

    Thread Starter mCashgen


    OK. I just activated another theme and all the page links and test pages links were on the new theme menu. But when I installed the original theme again after deleting the first installation, the new installation still wouldn’t display the links.

    I guess I have to unzip the folder before I FTP. I’ll do that now. Thanks for your quick response. Sure hope this works!

    Thread Starter mCashgen


    FTP’d the theme up and overwrote the old files and the problem is still there. What next? Has that parameter I pasted gotten into the database and not cleared out or something?

    Did you use a fresh, unedited, copy of the theme?

    Thread Starter mCashgen


    Yes. The same files I originally downloaded. I decided my only option was to completely uninstall WordPress and start from scratch since I was only two days into building the site. Better now than later. When I went to my hosting control panel I discovered there was an error with the original WP installation and it was telling me to uninstall it anyway! Maybe this was the source of the problem and would have caused other problems later.

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