• Resolved tschak89


    i am facing a rather weird problem:

    i have created a pod with a custom bi-directional field. now i try to link my pod post with another via that field:

    multiple select with list works fine, but whenever i try to use auto-complete function there is an error, saying that the results can not be loaded. a couple of days ago this just worked fine. any ideas what the cause of this problem can be?

    thank you and greetings

Viewing 8 replies - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)
  • Plugin Author Jory Hogeveen


    Hi @tschak89

    Could you give us more info about your installation?
    What plugins do you use etc?

    Could be a plugin conflict:

    Cheers, Jory

    Thread Starter tschak89


    hi jory, thx for the quick reply.
    i don′t know if there is a plugin conflict since it worked just fine a couple of days ago. here is a full report.

    cheers, andreas

    ### wp-core ###

    version: 5.6
    site_language: de_DE
    user_language: de_DE
    timezone: Europe/Vienna
    permalink: /%year%/%monthnum%/%day%/%postname%/
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    ### wp-paths-sizes ###

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    theme_path: /var/www/wordpress/wp-content/themes/hello-elementor
    auto_update: Deaktiviert

    ### wp-themes-inactive (2) ###

    Hello Elementor Child: version: 1.0.1, author: Elementor Team, Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktiviert
    Twenty Twenty: version: 1.6, author: WordPress-Team, Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktiviert

    ### wp-mu-plugins (1) ###

    Health Check Troubleshooting Mode: author: (undefined), version: 1.7.2

    ### wp-plugins-active (29) ###

    Ajax Search Pro: version: 4.20.2, author: Ernest Marcinko, Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktiviert
    bbPress: version: 2.6.6, author: The bbPress Contributors, Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktiviert
    bbp style pack: version: 4.7.1, author: Robin Wilson, Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktiviert
    BuddyBuilder – BuddyPress Builder for Elementor: version: 1.3.1, author: StaxWP, Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktiviert
    BuddyBuilder Pro: version: 1.3.0, author: StaxWP, Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktiviert
    BuddyDrive: version: 2.1.2, author: mrpritchett, Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktiviert
    BuddyMeet: version: 1.8.0, author: Themis Dakanalis <tdakanalis@cytech,gr>, Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktiviert
    BuddyPress: version: 7.0.0, author: The BuddyPress Community, Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktiviert
    Elementor: version: 3.0.14, author: Elementor.com, Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktiviert
    Elementor Pro: version: 3.0.8, author: Elementor.com, Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktiviert
    JetBlog For Elementor: version: 2.2.12, author: Crocoblock, Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktiviert
    JetElements For Elementor: version: 2.5.3, author: Crocoblock, Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktiviert
    JetEngine: version: 2.6.2, author: Crocoblock, Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktiviert
    JetGridBuilder: version: 1.1.0, author: Crocoblock, Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktiviert
    JetMenu: version: 2.0.8, author: Crocoblock, Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktiviert
    JetSearch For Elementor: version: 2.1.9, author: Crocoblock, Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktiviert
    JetThemeCore: version: 1.2.1, author: Crocoblock, Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktiviert
    LDAP/Active Directory Login for Intranet sites: version: 23.0, author: miniorange, Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktiviert
    LuckyWP Table of Contents: version: 2.1.4, author: LuckyWP, Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktiviert
    miniOrange LDAP Buddypress Integration Add-On: version: 1.1, author: miniorange, Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktiviert
    NTLM SSO: version: 1.0, author: miniorange, Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktiviert
    Pods – Custom Content Types and Fields: version: 2.7.24, author: Pods Framework Team, Automatische Aktualisierungen aktiviert
    Posts Table Pro: version: 2.3.1, author: Barn2 Plugins, Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktiviert
    Posts Table Pro – EU/AU Date Format: version: 1.1, author: Barn2 Plugins, Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktiviert
    PowerPack Pro for Elementor: version: 2.2.1, author: Team IdeaBox – PowerPack Elements, Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktiviert
    PublishPress Capabilities: version: 1.10.1, author: PublishPress, Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktiviert
    PublishPress Capabilities Pro: version: 1.10.1, author: PublishPress, Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktiviert
    PublishPress Permissions Pro: version: 3.4, author: PublishPress, Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktiviert
    Require Post Category: version: 2.1, author: Josh Hartman, Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktiviert

    ### wp-plugins-inactive (12) ###

    Admin Columns: version: 4.2.2, author: AdminColumns.com (latest version: 4.2.5), Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktiviert
    Akismet Anti-Spam: version: 4.1.7, author: Automattic, Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktiviert
    Attachment Taxonomies: version: 1.1.1, author: Felix Arntz, Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktiviert
    Classic Editor: version: 1.6, author: WordPress Contributors, Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktiviert
    Directory Sync Plugin: version: 1.0, author: miniorange, Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktiviert
    Enhanced Media Library: version: 2.8.2, author: wpUXsolutions, Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktiviert
    Health Check & Troubleshooting: version: 1.4.5, author: The www.ads-software.com community, Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktiviert
    Hello Dolly: version: 1.7.2, author: Matt Mullenweg, Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktiviert
    JetSmartFilters: version: 2.0.6, author: Crocoblock, Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktiviert
    Max Mega Menu: version: 2.9.2, author: megamenu.com, Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktiviert
    Sidebars for Hello Elementor Theme: version: 1.0.0, author: Amer Ali, Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktiviert
    View Admin As: version: 1.8.6, author: Jory Hogeveen, Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktiviert

    ### wp-media ###

    image_editor: WP_Image_Editor_GD
    imagick_module_version: Nicht verfügbar
    imagemagick_version: Nicht verfügbar
    file_uploads: File uploads is turned off
    post_max_size: 8M
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    max_file_uploads: 20
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    ghostscript_version: not available

    ### wp-server ###

    server_architecture: Linux 5.4.0-58-generic x86_64
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    ### wp-database ###

    extension: mysqli
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    client_version: mysqlnd 7.4.3

    ### wp-constants ###

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    ### wp-filesystem ###

    wordpress: writable
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    ### luckywp-table-of-contents ###

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    ### pods ###

    pods-server-software: nginx/1.18.0
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    pods-shortcode-allow-evaluate-tags: No


    Thread Starter tschak89


    I disabled every plugin except for pods and still the error remained.
    I made a screenshot showing that multi-select works fine but somehow auto complete doesn′t. Health check shows 2 errors with the rest api, i don′t know, if they are connected to my problem (see screenshot).

    autocomplete pods

    has anybody an idea 4 a solution?

    best regards,

    Plugin Author Jory Hogeveen


    Hi @tschak89

    This might be some kind of server issue. Do you see any errors in your browser console after you search for relationships in the autocomplete field?

    Cheers, Jory

    Thread Starter tschak89


    Hi, i am new to all this console stuff, but i tried a bit with Chrome console in tab Network – Preview and there are some responses in admin-ajax.php?pods_ajax=1 followed by a red line with “failed to load response data” – the black lines look like this:

    “Database Error; SQL: SELECT DISTINCT t.ID, t.post_title, geschaeftszahl.meta_value AS geschaeftszahl, t.post_type FROM wp1_posts AS t LEFT JOIN wp1_postmeta AS geschaeftszahl ON geschaeftszahl.meta_key = ‘geschaeftszahl’ AND geschaeftszahl.post_id = t.ID WHERE ( ( t.post_status IN ( “publish” ) ) AND ( t.geschaeftszahl LIKE ‘%BMASGK%’ OR t.post_title LIKE ‘%BMASGK%’ OR t.post_name LIKE ‘%BMASGK%’ OR t.post_content LIKE ‘%BMASGK%’ OR t.post_excerpt LIKE ‘%BMASGK%’ ) AND ( t.post_type = “erlaesse” ) ) ORDER BY (t.geschaeftszahl LIKE ‘%BMASGK%’ ) DESC, t.geschaeftszahl, t.ID, t.menu_order, t.post_title, t.post_date LIMIT 0, 15; Response: Unknown column ‘t.geschaeftszahl’ in ‘where clause'”

    I understand that there is something wrong with the function “Display Field in Selection ListProvide the name of a field on the related object to reference, example: {@post_title}”, because when i leave that field empty it works. But thats the problem i want to use another custom field and they don′t work.

    what is the correct syntax for that field? because i had just the name of the field and it worked, is the correct syntax “{@posttype_fieldname}”?

    Cheers Andreas

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by tschak89.
    Plugin Author Jory Hogeveen


    Hi @tschak89

    Ah right, now I get the issue ??

    You could try {@field_name.meta_value} but I believe only WP core object fields are supported, you should try it though.

    Cheers, Jory

    Thread Starter tschak89


    Thx @keraweb for your support so far, but i fear that i need your help or from the community once more:

    What do you mean by .meta_value? The custom field i want to display is a plain text field. the bi-directional relationship is within the same pod.

    I don′t think that only wp_core object are supported, bc i am pretty sure everything worked just fine a week or so ago, when the display field in selection list value was just the plain field name.

    greets, Andreas

    Plugin Author Jory Hogeveen


    Hi @tschak89

    I’m sorry, just tested this locally and just using the field name should work fine.
    Please file a complete bug report so we can try to reproduce your issue and provide a patch:

    Cheers, Jory

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