• Resolved dreambuilders



    I want to use this plugin to allow someone to signup for a drip campaign.

    The user completed the first name, last name, and email. The box is checked for the appropriate list, however when you submit the form the user in mailpoet is shown as unconfirmed. Is there any way when you submit the form to allow for the new subscriber to be auto-confirmed so it will trigger the mail poet series of emails?


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  • Hi dreambuilder,

    This is suppost to happen. After the subscription, he gets an email to confirm the subscription. This is due to the new privacy law. After the subscriber confirms the email this value is changed to “subscribed”
    So if you have records with ” unconfirmed” it means that the subscriber has not followed the link in the email he received.

    Thread Starter dreambuilders


    They actually will opt-in from the form. It doesn’t require them to confirm once they check to confirm on the form itself. They are completing the form because they want to sign-up for receiving the email campaign, so having an email sent to them, asking them to confirm is just an additional step.

    Hi Dreambuilders

    Then you need to check your settings in mailpoet !

    B. Add a checkbox for visitor to click for consent.

    This is required if you have Signup Confirmation (double opt-in) disabled in your MailPoet settings.

    Check out our guide on How to add a checkbox field to a MailPoet form.
    It appears to me that this setting is active

    Thread Starter dreambuilders


    Yes. I have a checkbox on the form using mpconsent field. For whatever reason, the subscriber still remains unconfirmed in mailpoet. Being that the checkbox is there, I would assume this would confirm the subscriber upon submission of the form.


    Hi Dreambuilders

    You need to alter a setting in mailpoet itself.
    The checkbox is only there to let the subscriber confirm he concents.
    There exist a setting in mailpoet to let the subscriber confirm its subscription (doubleoptin)!
    If you change that he will not get an email to confirm.

    Thread Starter dreambuilders


    Thank you. Yes. I have the settings exactly as you mentioned, however the subscriber still shows up as unconfirmed so I’m not sure why.

    Hi Dreambuilders,

    I have setup a test on my environment
    This behaves the same way, which is not OK
    So you have to report this at the maker of the extension plugin Add-on Contact Form 7 – Mailpoet 3 at Tickweb
    They do respond quickly, so I expect this will be resolved soon.
    Hope this information helps you, because now it is confirmed as a reproduceble problem

    Thread Starter dreambuilders


    Thanks Peter. Is there another place to report this as I thought this was support for the Add-on by Tickweb?

    Hi Dreambuilders,

    I have done some research on the code of the add-on
    They do not check the settings of mailpoet properly obviously
    I altered the following code in /www/wp-content/plugins/add-on-contact-form-7-mailpoet/includes/class-mailpoet-cf7-submit-form.php
    The code starts at line 178
    if ( ! empty( $list_ids ) && is_array( $list_ids ) ) {
    $subscribe_data = array(
    ’email’ => $email,
    ‘segments’ => $list_ids,
    ‘first_name’ => $firstname,
    ‘last_name’ => $lastname,
    ‘status’ => ‘subscribed’,
    Where status was ‘unconfirmed” into ‘subscribed’
    Now the status is ‘subscribed’ after the subscriber populates the form
    So this needs to be corrected by the plugin maker!

    Hi Dreambuilders,

    My apologies I did not look at the header of the page
    This is the proper location, so they should now respond to the remarks from me and you.
    In the meantime if you have the rights to change files, you could test my fix and see if that works for you also.

    Thread Starter dreambuilders


    Thank you.

    I tried your fix and while it partially worked.

    It did change the status from unconfirmed to subscribed, however the test email did not send out.

    So, I went with the old code, did a test signup and once again it is unconfirmed. When I switched the status to subscribed, the email sent out. So, I’m thinking there is another area of the code that this needs to be addressed as well.

    Hi Dreambuilders,

    OK then it confirms the problem that exists in de add-on plugin
    The fact that the mails are not sent is due to a trigger in mailpoet.
    Because in the database you have several fields within subscriber
    It means that one of these fields must be populated as well.
    Probably the field “confirmed_at”
    That field is not set by the add_on, so that must be added as well.
    If you have access to the database you can check that.
    Make the change I proposed, and check the contents of the table mailpoet_subscribers
    Then if this field is not populated put a date in it
    I suspect that then your mail will be sent
    If so TickWeb needs to add code for that.

    Hi Dreambuilders,

    Can you confirm that you have created a task to send emails ?
    Because that is the only way I can get automatic emails sent.
    If so then there need to be done some extra work
    Because at the time the subscriber enters and confirms his data, not only the field “confirmed_at” needs to be populated.
    I tested my proposal from earlier, but the email did not get send
    So the tables below are also involved
    The first table entry (task scheduled for welcome letters) needs to be reset to status=scheduled
    The second table an entry for the new subscriber needs to be added connected to the scheduled_tasks
    Only then you will get the email send automatically
    That is enhencement of functionality in my opinion, for which I cannot help you!
    That needs to be done by Tickweb
    I hope this gives you an idea how it works

    Thread Starter dreambuilders


    Hi Peter,

    Yes. I created a list and then a series of Welcome emails to be sent out immediately, 1 hour later and 2 hours later.

    Thanks for your help. Maybe Tickweb can advise us on this now?

    Hi Dreambuilders,

    Yes this has to be handled by Tickweb.

    Tickweb please give your comments on this problem. It has been analysed and reproduced.
    Currently the plugin sets the wrong value if mailpoet does not require confirmation.
    Also the second problem needs to be investigated further. Because when a subscriber is added to a list, this list is connected to a task, and the task needs to be updated.
    Thanks for your help!

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