Hi Niki!
I know that this is desirable, but I consider the current state of the plugin to not cause too much issues with secret backdoors if it is just installed. Anything that allows users to automatically be assigned an autologin-code would open a backdoor for potentially unsuspecting users of this plugin. When looking at all the wordpress websites that are on the web, it just seems like a very irresponsible addition to the plugin – just because it is hard to explain to someone in which ways such a function might be misused on some sites.
I personally do not have time to provide the code for the feature that you are looking for. It entails looking up the correct wordpress-event and then doing the database-stuff that I am currently doing in the plugin code. It takes me too much of my time to provide this one-off feature for free here. But if you find somebody who is able to modify PHP-code, he should be able to code that feature for you. It should be approximately 20-30 lines of code with a lot of looking-things-up, I think (3-4 hours of work).
I hope that you find(found?) a solution that works for you.
This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by