• Resolved gpsy1


    Hi and thanx for the perfect plugin for me, im code virgin so this plugin is just perfect for me.

    I’m having and issue with automatic creating and sending newsletters. First i don’t receive them on my email (manual works fine) and second, post images are not inserted, just title and excerpt. In submits it shows its created but didn’t receive it.

    When i go to auto created newsletters, i see them there, and when sent manually i receive them but without images.

    I have created empty newsletter template and im using CRON server (recommended) and i set up SMTP (smtp test OK). I was reading dozen of times “Configure Webserver CRON” tutorial, i was sure i set it up correct but …not sure any more.

    On admin page i see message “Cron stop working” not sure whats up. I followed this thread https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/plugin-knews-multilingual-newsletters-cron-job-rewriting-url?replies=13 and did what was suggested and message is gone but does this means it will appear again in 10 min. What is problem there and how to fix?

    Hope this make sense.

    Im using WP 3.8.1 and latest Knews.




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  • Thread Starter gpsy1


    Oh yes, when i use “RUN AUTOMATED CREATION NOW’ on auto created newsletter page i get 0 (zero) is that how its suppose to be?

    Knews automated jobs script, started at: 03/02/2014 09:10
    Automated job (Newsletter 1 )
    Automated job (Newsletter 2 )

    need help


    Thread Starter gpsy1


    Its there again “CRON has stopped working”.

    I did add a new cron job in my c-panel adding
    */10 * * * * wget -q -O/dev/null https://zemlja.rs/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=knewsCron

    but error is still there.

    any suggestions.

    Thread Starter gpsy1



    i just contacted my hosting provider about cron job not working, and they say that cron is working fine but script is not good. what to do. no idea any more.

    Thread Starter gpsy1


    im still having problems setting up the auto send newsletter, it seams that my c-panel cron job is not working with the script provided.

    Im testing external service offered but free account cant be set to trigger every 10 minutes, as a free account 30 min is minimum.

    Plugin Author creverter


    Hello @gpsy1!

    First of all, let’s explain what’s CRONJOB and how it works: it triggers some script, in this case, a PHP execution. This PHP sends a part of the enqueued newsletters. Should work every 10 minutes. The target is simulate to the max the manual human email submission, to get better results.

    1) If you are entering manually the CRON triggering URL into your browser and the advice “CRON STOP WORKING” disappears until 10 minutes, Knews is working fine, simply your CRONJOB aren’t doing this work every 10 minutes (your CRONJOB maybe can’t run, or run but not emulates the wget (browser http call))… try to remove the space between q and hypen, and try also to add space between O and /

    2) If you get an external service every 30 minutes, don’t worry, you’ll get the message “CRON STOP WORKING” from minute 11 to 29, but the newsletters will be sent (at a 1/3 of the optimus speed, of course)…

    3) About automated creation:
    – there is a newest posts than the automated task?
    – you have the option posts for knews automation to ON (in Knews > prefs)?
    – edit any newer post and check if the Knews Automate option is set to yes

    4) About images: you can see the images in the sent newsletters? Or you can automate the featured image insertion? In the first case, check if you’ve the latest Knews. In the second, it’s a premium feature…


    Thread Starter gpsy1


    Hi Creverter,
    i appreciate the time you spend to answer my questions.

    As you can see im some confused about this Cron thing. I will try script changes as you suggested and let you know.

    I figured as much if i paste the url to my browser and cron is triggered that probably works, just im confused why doesnt work with my c-panel cron job, but i will try the script alternations and see what happens.

    Let me se did i understand correct:

    -automatic newsletter creation is a free feature…right, but automatic inserting images in that newsletter is not. If that’s the case then i dont see the point for auto create newsletter as i have to manually insert images in it. I understand its the paid version but auto creation doesnt matter as images are not there. That my view im maybe wrong.

    Oh yes, about external cron job, i did set it up for max 30 min, and also this one gives errors as cron didnt work or something like that.

    I really like your plugin, makes it simple for us newbies to create a newsletters, so i will do more trials before i give up, hope it will not come to that as i dont see any good alternative.



    Plugin Author creverter


    Thanks @gpsy1!

    About 30 minutes schedule: if your list of subscribers is small, don’t worry about the error messages, simply Knews are warning you.

    Remember: if all fails, open a cron-js window and leave opened, your browser will call every 10 minutes the script. (It’s uggly, but works when the newsletter should be sent).

    About the image insertion: Knews Pro gets the featured post image and puts it on the automated newsletters. Knews Free not, you should create newsletters for automate without images, or with generic images.


    Thread Starter gpsy1


    ok, thank you.

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